use anise::astro::orbit::ECC_EPSILON;
use anise::astro::PhysicsResult;
use anise::prelude::{Frame, Orbit};
use snafu::ResultExt;
use super::AstroError;
use crate::cosmic::AstroPhysicsSnafu;
use crate::linalg::{Vector3, U7};
use crate::md::StateParameter;
use crate::time::Epoch;
use crate::TimeTagged;
use hyperdual::linalg::norm;
use hyperdual::{Float, OHyperdual};
use std::f64::consts::PI;
use std::fmt;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct OrbitDual {
pub x: OHyperdual<f64, U7>,
pub y: OHyperdual<f64, U7>,
pub z: OHyperdual<f64, U7>,
pub vx: OHyperdual<f64, U7>,
pub vy: OHyperdual<f64, U7>,
pub vz: OHyperdual<f64, U7>,
pub dt: Epoch,
pub frame: Frame,
impl From<Orbit> for OrbitDual {
fn from(orbit: Orbit) -> Self {
Self {
x: OHyperdual::from_slice(&[orbit.radius_km.x, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
y: OHyperdual::from_slice(&[orbit.radius_km.y, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
z: OHyperdual::from_slice(&[orbit.radius_km.z, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
vx: OHyperdual::from_slice(&[orbit.velocity_km_s.x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
vy: OHyperdual::from_slice(&[orbit.velocity_km_s.y, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]),
vz: OHyperdual::from_slice(&[orbit.velocity_km_s.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),
dt: orbit.epoch,
frame: orbit.frame,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct OrbitPartial {
pub param: StateParameter,
pub dual: OHyperdual<f64, U7>,
impl OrbitPartial {
pub fn real(&self) -> f64 {
pub fn wtr_x(&self) -> f64 {
pub fn wtr_y(&self) -> f64 {
pub fn wtr_z(&self) -> f64 {
pub fn wtr_vx(&self) -> f64 {
pub fn wtr_vy(&self) -> f64 {
pub fn wtr_vz(&self) -> f64 {
impl fmt::Display for OrbitPartial {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?} {}", self.param, self.dual)
impl OrbitDual {
pub fn partial_for(&self, param: StateParameter) -> Result<OrbitPartial, AstroError> {
match param {
StateParameter::X => Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.x,
param: StateParameter::X,
StateParameter::Y => Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.y,
param: StateParameter::Y,
StateParameter::Z => Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.z,
param: StateParameter::Z,
StateParameter::VX => Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.vx,
param: StateParameter::VX,
StateParameter::VY => Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.vy,
param: StateParameter::VY,
StateParameter::VZ => Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.vz,
param: StateParameter::VZ,
StateParameter::Rmag => Ok(self.rmag_km()),
StateParameter::Vmag => Ok(self.vmag_km_s()),
StateParameter::HX => Ok(self.hx()),
StateParameter::HY => Ok(self.hy()),
StateParameter::HZ => Ok(self.hz()),
StateParameter::Hmag => Ok(self.hmag()),
StateParameter::Energy => Ok(self.energy_km2_s2().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::SMA => Ok(self.sma_km().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::Eccentricity => Ok(self.ecc().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::Inclination => Ok(self.inc_deg()),
StateParameter::AoP => Ok(self.aop_deg().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::AoL => Ok(self.aol_deg().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::RAAN => Ok(self.raan_deg()),
StateParameter::Periapsis => Ok(self.periapsis_km().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::Apoapsis => Ok(self.apoapsis_km().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::TrueLongitude => Ok(self.tlong_deg().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::FlightPathAngle => Ok(self.fpa_deg().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::MeanAnomaly => Ok(self.ma_deg().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::EccentricAnomaly => Ok(self.ea_deg().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::Height => Ok(self.height_km().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::Latitude => Ok(self.latitude_deg().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::Longitude => Ok(self.longitude_deg()),
StateParameter::C3 => Ok(self.c3().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
StateParameter::RightAscension => Ok(self.right_ascension_deg()),
StateParameter::Declination => Ok(self.declination_deg()),
StateParameter::HyperbolicAnomaly => self.hyperbolic_anomaly_deg(),
StateParameter::SemiParameter => {
StateParameter::SemiMinorAxis => {
StateParameter::TrueAnomaly => Ok(self.ta_deg().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?),
_ => Err(AstroError::PartialsUndefined),
pub fn rmag_km(&self) -> OrbitPartial {
OrbitPartial {
param: StateParameter::Rmag,
dual: (self.x.powi(2) + self.y.powi(2) + self.z.powi(2)).sqrt(),
pub fn vmag_km_s(&self) -> OrbitPartial {
OrbitPartial {
param: StateParameter::Vmag,
dual: (self.vx.powi(2) + self.vy.powi(2) + self.vz.powi(2)).sqrt(),
pub(crate) fn radius(&self) -> Vector3<OHyperdual<f64, U7>> {
Vector3::new(self.x, self.y, self.z)
pub(crate) fn velocity(&self) -> Vector3<OHyperdual<f64, U7>> {
Vector3::new(self.vx, self.vy, self.vz)
pub(crate) fn hvec(&self) -> Vector3<OHyperdual<f64, U7>> {
pub fn hx(&self) -> OrbitPartial {
OrbitPartial {
dual: self.hvec()[0],
param: StateParameter::HX,
pub fn hy(&self) -> OrbitPartial {
OrbitPartial {
dual: self.hvec()[1],
param: StateParameter::HY,
pub fn hz(&self) -> OrbitPartial {
OrbitPartial {
dual: self.hvec()[2],
param: StateParameter::HZ,
pub fn hmag(&self) -> OrbitPartial {
OrbitPartial {
dual: norm(&self.hvec()),
param: StateParameter::Hmag,
pub fn energy_km2_s2(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.vmag_km_s().dual.powi(2) / OHyperdual::from(2.0)
- OHyperdual::from(self.frame.mu_km3_s2()?) / self.rmag_km().dual,
param: StateParameter::Energy,
pub fn sma_km(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: -OHyperdual::from(self.frame.mu_km3_s2()?)
/ (OHyperdual::from(2.0) * self.energy_km2_s2()?.dual),
param: StateParameter::SMA,
pub(crate) fn evec(&self) -> PhysicsResult<Vector3<OHyperdual<f64, U7>>> {
let r = self.radius();
let v = self.velocity();
let hgm = OHyperdual::from(self.frame.mu_km3_s2()?);
((norm(&v).powi(2) - hgm / norm(&r)) * r[0] - ( * v[0]) / hgm,
((norm(&v).powi(2) - hgm / norm(&r)) * r[1] - ( * v[1]) / hgm,
((norm(&v).powi(2) - hgm / norm(&r)) * r[2] - ( * v[2]) / hgm,
pub fn ecc(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: norm(&self.evec()?),
param: StateParameter::Eccentricity,
pub fn inc_deg(&self) -> OrbitPartial {
OrbitPartial {
dual: (self.hvec()[(2, 0)] / self.hmag().dual).acos().to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::Inclination,
pub fn aop_deg(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
let n = Vector3::new(
let aop = ( / (norm(&n) * self.ecc()?.dual)).acos();
if aop.is_nan() {
warn!("AoP is NaN");
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: OHyperdual::from(0.0),
param: StateParameter::AoP,
} else if self.evec()?[2].real() < 0.0 {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: (OHyperdual::from(2.0 * PI) - aop).to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::AoP,
} else {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: aop.to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::AoP,
pub fn raan_deg(&self) -> OrbitPartial {
let n = Vector3::new(
let raan = (n[(0, 0)] / norm(&n)).acos();
if raan.is_nan() {
warn!("RAAN is NaN");
OrbitPartial {
dual: OHyperdual::from(0.0),
param: StateParameter::RAAN,
} else if n[(1, 0)] < 0.0 {
OrbitPartial {
dual: (OHyperdual::from(2.0 * PI) - raan).to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::RAAN,
} else {
OrbitPartial {
dual: raan.to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::RAAN,
pub fn ta_deg(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
if self.ecc()?.real() < ECC_EPSILON {
"true anomaly ill-defined for circular orbit (e = {})",
let cos_nu = self.evec()?.dot(&self.radius()) / (self.ecc()?.dual * self.rmag_km().dual);
if (cos_nu.real().abs() - 1.0).abs() < f64::EPSILON {
if cos_nu > 1.0 {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: OHyperdual::from(180.0),
param: StateParameter::TrueAnomaly,
} else {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: OHyperdual::from(0.0),
param: StateParameter::TrueAnomaly,
} else {
let ta = cos_nu.acos();
if ta.is_nan() {
warn!("TA is NaN");
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: OHyperdual::from(0.0),
param: StateParameter::TrueAnomaly,
} else if self.radius().dot(&self.velocity()) < 0.0 {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: (OHyperdual::from(2.0 * PI) - ta).to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::TrueAnomaly,
} else {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: ta.to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::TrueAnomaly,
pub fn tlong_deg(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.aop_deg()?.dual + self.raan_deg().dual + self.ta_deg()?.dual,
param: StateParameter::TrueLongitude,
pub fn aol_deg(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
if self.ecc()?.real() < ECC_EPSILON {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.tlong_deg()?.dual - self.raan_deg().dual,
param: StateParameter::AoL,
} else {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.aop_deg()?.dual + self.ta_deg()?.dual,
param: StateParameter::AoL,
pub fn periapsis_km(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.sma_km()?.dual * (OHyperdual::from(1.0) - self.ecc()?.dual),
param: StateParameter::Periapsis,
pub fn apoapsis_km(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.sma_km()?.dual * (OHyperdual::from(1.0) + self.ecc()?.dual),
param: StateParameter::Apoapsis,
pub fn ea_deg(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
let (sin_ta, cos_ta) = self.ta_deg()?.dual.to_radians().sin_cos();
let ecc_cos_ta = self.ecc()?.dual * cos_ta;
let sin_ea = ((OHyperdual::from(1.0) - self.ecc()?.dual.powi(2)).sqrt() * sin_ta)
/ (OHyperdual::from(1.0) + ecc_cos_ta);
let cos_ea = (self.ecc()?.dual + cos_ta) / (OHyperdual::from(1.0) + ecc_cos_ta);
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: sin_ea.atan2(cos_ea).to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::EccentricAnomaly,
pub fn fpa_deg(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
let nu = self.ta_deg()?.dual.to_radians();
let ecc = self.ecc()?.dual;
let denom =
(OHyperdual::from(1.0) + OHyperdual::from(2.0) * ecc * nu.cos() + ecc.powi(2)).sqrt();
let sin_fpa = ecc * nu.sin() / denom;
let cos_fpa = OHyperdual::from(1.0) + ecc * nu.cos() / denom;
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: sin_fpa.atan2(cos_fpa).to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::FlightPathAngle,
pub fn ma_deg(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
if self.ecc()?.real() < 1.0 {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: (self.ea_deg()?.dual.to_radians()
- self.ecc()?.dual * self.ea_deg()?.dual.to_radians().sin())
param: StateParameter::MeanAnomaly,
} else if self.ecc()?.real() > 1.0 {
debug!("computing the hyperbolic anomaly");
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: ((self.ta_deg()?.dual.to_radians().sin()
* (self.ecc()?.dual.powi(2) - OHyperdual::from(1.0)))
/ (OHyperdual::from(1.0)
+ self.ecc()?.dual * self.ta_deg()?.dual.to_radians().cos()))
param: StateParameter::MeanAnomaly,
} else {
error!("parabolic orbit: setting mean anomaly to 0.0");
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: OHyperdual::from(0.0),
param: StateParameter::MeanAnomaly,
pub fn semi_parameter_km(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.sma_km()?.dual * (OHyperdual::from(1.0) - self.ecc()?.dual.powi(2)),
param: StateParameter::SemiParameter,
pub fn longitude_deg(&self) -> OrbitPartial {
OrbitPartial {
dual: self.y.atan2(self.x).to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::Longitude,
pub fn latitude_deg(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
let flattening = self.frame.flattening()?;
let eps = 1e-12;
let max_attempts = 20;
let mut attempt_no = 0;
let r_delta = (self.x.powi(2) + self.y.powi(2)).sqrt();
let mut latitude = (self.z / self.rmag_km().dual).asin();
let e2 = OHyperdual::from(flattening * (2.0 - flattening));
loop {
attempt_no += 1;
let c_earth = OHyperdual::from(self.frame.semi_major_radius_km()?)
/ ((OHyperdual::from(1.0) - e2 * (latitude).sin().powi(2)).sqrt());
let new_latitude = (self.z + c_earth * e2 * (latitude).sin()).atan2(r_delta);
if (latitude - new_latitude).abs() < eps {
return Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: new_latitude.to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::Latitude,
} else if attempt_no >= max_attempts {
"geodetic latitude failed to converge -- error = {}",
(latitude - new_latitude).abs()
return Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: new_latitude.to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::Latitude,
latitude = new_latitude;
pub fn height_km(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
let flattening = self.frame.flattening()?;
let semi_major_radius = self.frame.semi_major_radius_km()?;
let e2 = OHyperdual::from(flattening * (2.0 - flattening));
let latitude = self.latitude_deg()?.dual.to_radians();
let sin_lat = latitude.sin();
if (latitude - OHyperdual::from(1.0)).abs() < 0.1 {
let s_earth0: f64 = semi_major_radius * (1.0 - flattening).powi(2);
let s_earth = OHyperdual::from(s_earth0)
/ ((OHyperdual::from(1.0) - e2 * sin_lat.powi(2)).sqrt());
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.z / latitude.sin() - s_earth,
param: StateParameter::Height,
} else {
let c_earth = OHyperdual::from(semi_major_radius)
/ ((OHyperdual::from(1.0) - e2 * sin_lat.powi(2)).sqrt());
let r_delta = (self.x.powi(2) + self.y.powi(2)).sqrt();
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: r_delta / latitude.cos() - c_earth,
param: StateParameter::Height,
pub fn right_ascension_deg(&self) -> OrbitPartial {
OrbitPartial {
dual: (self.y.atan2(self.x)).to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::RightAscension,
pub fn declination_deg(&self) -> OrbitPartial {
OrbitPartial {
dual: (self.z / self.rmag_km().dual).asin().to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::Declination,
pub fn semi_minor_axis_km(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
if self.ecc()?.real() <= 1.0 {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: ((self.sma_km()?.dual * self.ecc()?.dual).powi(2)
- self.sma_km()?.dual.powi(2))
param: StateParameter::SemiMinorAxis,
} else {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: self.hmag().dual.powi(2)
/ (OHyperdual::from(self.frame.mu_km3_s2()?)
* (self.ecc()?.dual.powi(2) - OHyperdual::from(1.0)).sqrt()),
param: StateParameter::SemiMinorAxis,
pub fn velocity_declination(&self) -> OrbitPartial {
OrbitPartial {
dual: (self.vz / self.vmag_km_s().dual).asin().to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::VelocityDeclination,
pub fn c3(&self) -> PhysicsResult<OrbitPartial> {
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: -OHyperdual::from(self.frame.mu_km3_s2()?) / self.sma_km()?.dual,
param: StateParameter::C3,
pub fn hyperbolic_anomaly_deg(&self) -> Result<OrbitPartial, AstroError> {
let ecc = self.ecc().context(AstroPhysicsSnafu)?;
if ecc.real() <= 1.0 {
} else {
let (sin_ta, cos_ta) = self
let sinh_h = (sin_ta * (ecc.dual.powi(2) - OHyperdual::from(1.0)).sqrt())
/ (OHyperdual::from(1.0) + ecc.dual * cos_ta);
Ok(OrbitPartial {
dual: sinh_h.asinh().to_degrees(),
param: StateParameter::HyperbolicAnomaly,
impl TimeTagged for OrbitDual {
fn epoch(&self) -> Epoch {
fn set_epoch(&mut self, epoch: Epoch) {
self.dt = epoch