1use crate::md::trajectory::TrajError;
20use crate::md::StateParameter;
21pub use crate::md::TargetingError;
22use crate::{cosmic::AstroError, io::ConfigError};
23use anise::errors::{AlmanacError, PhysicsError};
24use hifitime::Epoch;
25use snafu::prelude::*;
26use std::convert::From;
28#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
30pub enum NyxError {
31 #[snafu(display("Maximum iterations of {msg} reached"))]
32 MaxIterReached { msg: String },
33 #[snafu(display("Covariance is not positive semi definite"))]
34 CovarianceMatrixNotPsd,
35 #[snafu(display("Lambert too close: Δν ~=0 and A ~=0"))]
36 TargetsTooClose,
37 #[snafu(display("No reasonable phi found to connect both radii"))]
38 LambertNotReasonablePhi,
39 #[snafu(display("Use the Izzo algorithm for multi-rev transfers"))]
40 LambertMultiRevNotSupported,
41 #[snafu(display("Unavailable parameter {param:?}: {msg}"))]
42 StateParameterUnavailable { param: StateParameter, msg: String },
43 #[snafu(display("Could not load file: {msg}"))]
44 LoadingError { msg: String },
45 #[snafu(display("Could not read file: {msg}"))]
46 FileUnreadable { msg: String },
47 #[snafu(display("Cosm object not found: `{needle}` (available: {haystack:?})"))]
48 ObjectNotFound {
49 needle: String,
50 haystack: Vec<String>,
51 },
52 #[snafu(display("No interpolation data: {msg}"))]
53 NoInterpolationData { msg: String },
54 #[snafu(display("Invalid interpolation data: {msg}"))]
55 InvalidInterpolationData { msg: String },
56 #[snafu(display("No state data: {msg}"))]
57 NoStateData { msg: String },
58 #[snafu(display("Happens when trying to modify a polynomial's (error)-th error but the polynomial has less orders than that"))]
59 PolynomialOrderError { order: usize },
60 #[snafu(display(
61 "An objective based analysis or control was attempted, but no objective was defined"
62 ))]
63 NoObjectiveDefined,
64 #[snafu(display("This computation requires the orbit to be hyperbolic: {msg}"))]
65 NotHyperbolic { msg: String },
66 #[snafu(display("Monte Carlo error: {msg}"))]
67 MonteCarlo { msg: String },
68 #[snafu(display("CCSDS error: {msg}"))]
69 CCSDS { msg: String },
70 #[snafu(display("Error: {msg}"))]
71 CustomError { msg: String },
72 #[snafu(display("Trajectory error: {source}"))]
73 Trajectory { source: TrajError },
74 #[snafu(display("Math domain error: {msg}"))]
75 MathDomain { msg: String },
76 #[snafu(display("Guidance law config error: {msg}"))]
77 GuidanceConfigError { msg: String },
78 #[snafu(display("Config error: {source}"))]
79 ConfigError { source: ConfigError },
80 #[snafu(display("issue due to Almanac: {action} {source}"))]
81 FromAlmanacError {
82 #[snafu(source(from(AlmanacError, Box::new)))]
83 source: Box<AlmanacError>,
84 action: &'static str,
85 },
88impl From<TrajError> for NyxError {
89 fn from(source: TrajError) -> Self {
90 NyxError::Trajectory { source }
91 }
94impl From<ConfigError> for NyxError {
95 fn from(source: ConfigError) -> Self {
96 NyxError::ConfigError { source }
97 }
100#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Snafu)]
102pub enum StateError {
103 #[snafu(display("{param} is unavailable in this context"))]
104 Unavailable { param: StateParameter },
105 #[snafu(display("{param} is read only in this context"))]
106 ReadOnly { param: StateParameter },
107 #[snafu(display("{param} computation caused {source}"))]
108 StateAstroError {
109 param: StateParameter,
110 source: AstroError,
111 },
112 #[snafu(display("No thruster attached to spacecraft"))]
113 NoThrusterAvail,
116#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Snafu)]
118pub enum EventError {
119 #[snafu(display("during event computation: {source}"))]
120 EventAlmanacError {
121 #[snafu(source(from(AlmanacError, Box::new)))]
122 source: Box<AlmanacError>,
123 },
124 #[snafu(display("during event computation: {source}"))]
125 EventStateError {
126 param: StateParameter,
127 source: StateError,
128 },
129 #[snafu(display("during event computation: {source}"))]
130 EventPhysicsError { source: PhysicsError },
131 #[snafu(display("when computing an event in a trajectory {source}"))]
132 EventTrajError { source: TrajError },
133 #[snafu(display("Event {event} not found between {start} and {end}"))]
134 NotFound {
135 start: Epoch,
136 end: Epoch,
137 event: String,
138 },
141#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
143pub enum MonteCarloError {
144 #[snafu(display("Monte Carlo caused {source}"))]
145 StateError { source: StateError },
146 #[snafu(display("for {param}, expected percentage between 0.0 and 1.0 but got {prct}"))]
147 ParamPercentage { param: StateParameter, prct: f64 },
148 #[snafu(display(
149 "could {action} because none of the Monte Carlo {num_runs} runs were successful"
150 ))]
151 NoSuccessfulRuns {
152 action: &'static str,
153 num_runs: usize,
154 },