
2    Nyx, blazing fast astrodynamics
3    Copyright (C) 2018-onwards Christopher Rabotin <christopher.rabotin@gmail.com>
5    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
7    by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8    (at your option) any later version.
10    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
16    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19use super::details::{EventArc, EventDetails, EventEdge};
20use crate::errors::{EventError, EventTrajSnafu};
21use crate::linalg::allocator::Allocator;
22use crate::linalg::DefaultAllocator;
23use crate::md::prelude::{Interpolatable, Traj};
24use crate::md::EventEvaluator;
25use crate::time::{Duration, Epoch, TimeSeries, Unit};
26use anise::almanac::Almanac;
27use rayon::prelude::*;
28use snafu::ResultExt;
29use std::iter::Iterator;
30use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
31use std::sync::Arc;
33impl<S: Interpolatable> Traj<S>
35    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<S::VecLength> + Allocator<S::Size> + Allocator<S::Size, S::Size>,
37    /// Find the exact state where the request event happens. The event function is expected to be monotone in the provided interval because we find the event using a Brent solver.
38    #[allow(clippy::identity_op)]
39    pub fn find_bracketed<E>(
40        &self,
41        start: Epoch,
42        end: Epoch,
43        event: &E,
44        almanac: Arc<Almanac>,
45    ) -> Result<EventDetails<S>, EventError>
46    where
47        E: EventEvaluator<S>,
48    {
49        let max_iter = 50;
51        // Helper lambdas, for f64s only
52        let has_converged =
53            |xa: f64, xb: f64| (xa - xb).abs() <= event.epoch_precision().to_seconds();
54        let arrange = |a: f64, ya: f64, b: f64, yb: f64| {
55            if ya.abs() > yb.abs() {
56                (a, ya, b, yb)
57            } else {
58                (b, yb, a, ya)
59            }
60        };
62        let xa_e = start;
63        let xb_e = end;
65        // Search in seconds (convert to epoch just in time)
66        let mut xa = 0.0;
67        let mut xb = (xb_e - xa_e).to_seconds();
68        // Evaluate the event at both bounds
69        let ya_state = self.at(xa_e).context(EventTrajSnafu {})?;
70        let yb_state = self.at(xb_e).context(EventTrajSnafu {})?;
71        let mut ya = event.eval(&ya_state, almanac.clone())?;
72        let mut yb = event.eval(&yb_state, almanac.clone())?;
74        // Check if we're already at the root
75        if ya.abs() <= event.value_precision().abs() {
76            debug!(
77                "{event} -- found with |{ya}| < {} @ {xa_e}",
78                event.value_precision().abs()
79            );
80            return EventDetails::new(ya_state, ya, event, self, almanac.clone());
81        } else if yb.abs() <= event.value_precision().abs() {
82            debug!(
83                "{event} -- found with |{yb}| < {} @ {xb_e}",
84                event.value_precision().abs()
85            );
86            return EventDetails::new(yb_state, yb, event, self, almanac.clone());
87        }
89        // The Brent solver, from the roots crate (sadly could not directly integrate it here)
90        // Source: https://docs.rs/roots/0.0.5/src/roots/numerical/brent.rs.html#57-131
92        let (mut xc, mut yc, mut xd) = (xa, ya, xa);
93        let mut flag = true;
95        for _ in 0..max_iter {
96            if ya.abs() < event.value_precision().abs() {
97                // Can't fail, we got it earlier
98                let state = self.at(xa_e + xa * Unit::Second).unwrap();
99                debug!(
100                    "{event} -- found with |{ya}| < {} @ {}",
101                    event.value_precision().abs(),
102                    state.epoch(),
103                );
104                return EventDetails::new(state, ya, event, self, almanac.clone());
105            }
106            if yb.abs() < event.value_precision().abs() {
107                // Can't fail, we got it earlier
108                let state = self.at(xa_e + xb * Unit::Second).unwrap();
109                debug!(
110                    "{event} -- found with |{yb}| < {} @ {}",
111                    event.value_precision().abs(),
112                    state.epoch()
113                );
114                return EventDetails::new(state, yb, event, self, almanac.clone());
115            }
116            if has_converged(xa, xb) {
117                // The event isn't in the bracket
118                return Err(EventError::NotFound {
119                    start,
120                    end,
121                    event: format!("{event}"),
122                });
123            }
124            let mut s = if (ya - yc).abs() > f64::EPSILON && (yb - yc).abs() > f64::EPSILON {
125                xa * yb * yc / ((ya - yb) * (ya - yc))
126                    + xb * ya * yc / ((yb - ya) * (yb - yc))
127                    + xc * ya * yb / ((yc - ya) * (yc - yb))
128            } else {
129                xb - yb * (xb - xa) / (yb - ya)
130            };
131            let cond1 = (s - xb) * (s - (3.0 * xa + xb) / 4.0) > 0.0;
132            let cond2 = flag && (s - xb).abs() >= (xb - xc).abs() / 2.0;
133            let cond3 = !flag && (s - xb).abs() >= (xc - xd).abs() / 2.0;
134            let cond4 = flag && has_converged(xb, xc);
135            let cond5 = !flag && has_converged(xc, xd);
136            if cond1 || cond2 || cond3 || cond4 || cond5 {
137                s = (xa + xb) / 2.0;
138                flag = true;
139            } else {
140                flag = false;
141            }
142            let next_try = self
143                .at(xa_e + s * Unit::Second)
144                .context(EventTrajSnafu {})?;
145            let ys = event.eval(&next_try, almanac.clone())?;
146            xd = xc;
147            xc = xb;
148            yc = yb;
149            if ya * ys < 0.0 {
150                // Root bracketed between a and s
151                let next_try = self
152                    .at(xa_e + xa * Unit::Second)
153                    .context(EventTrajSnafu {})?;
154                let ya_p = event.eval(&next_try, almanac.clone())?;
155                let (_a, _ya, _b, _yb) = arrange(xa, ya_p, s, ys);
156                {
157                    xa = _a;
158                    ya = _ya;
159                    xb = _b;
160                    yb = _yb;
161                }
162            } else {
163                // Root bracketed between s and b
164                let next_try = self
165                    .at(xa_e + xb * Unit::Second)
166                    .context(EventTrajSnafu {})?;
167                let yb_p = event.eval(&next_try, almanac.clone())?;
168                let (_a, _ya, _b, _yb) = arrange(s, ys, xb, yb_p);
169                {
170                    xa = _a;
171                    ya = _ya;
172                    xb = _b;
173                    yb = _yb;
174                }
175            }
176        }
177        error!("Brent solver failed after {max_iter} iterations");
178        Err(EventError::NotFound {
179            start,
180            end,
181            event: format!("{event}"),
182        })
183    }
185    /// Find all of the states where the event happens
186    ///
187    /// # Limitations
188    /// This method uses a Brent solver. If the function that defines the event is not unimodal, the event finder may not converge correctly.
189    ///
190    /// # Heuristic detail
191    /// The initial search step is 1% of the duration of the trajectory duration.
192    /// For example, if the trajectory is 100 days long, then we split the trajectory into 100 chunks of 1 day and see whether
193    /// the event is in there. If the event happens twice or more times within 1% of the trajectory duration, only the _one_ of
194    /// such events will be found.
195    ///
196    /// If this heuristic fails to find any such events, then `find_minmax` is called on the event with a time precision of `Unit::Second`.
197    /// Then we search only within the min and max bounds of the provided event.
198    #[allow(clippy::identity_op)]
199    pub fn find<E>(
200        &self,
201        event: &E,
202        almanac: Arc<Almanac>,
203    ) -> Result<Vec<EventDetails<S>>, EventError>
204    where
205        E: EventEvaluator<S>,
206    {
207        let start_epoch = self.first().epoch();
208        let end_epoch = self.last().epoch();
209        if start_epoch == end_epoch {
210            return Err(EventError::NotFound {
211                start: start_epoch,
212                end: end_epoch,
213                event: format!("{event}"),
214            });
215        }
216        let heuristic = (end_epoch - start_epoch) / 100;
217        info!("Searching for {event} with initial heuristic of {heuristic}");
219        let (sender, receiver) = channel();
221        let epochs: Vec<Epoch> = TimeSeries::inclusive(start_epoch, end_epoch, heuristic).collect();
222        epochs.into_par_iter().for_each_with(sender, |s, epoch| {
223            if let Ok(event_state) =
224                self.find_bracketed(epoch, epoch + heuristic, event, almanac.clone())
225            {
226                s.send(event_state).unwrap()
227            };
228        });
230        let mut states: Vec<_> = receiver.iter().collect();
232        if states.is_empty() {
233            warn!("Heuristic failed to find any {event} event, using slower approach");
234            // Crap, we didn't find the event.
235            // Let's find the min and max of this event throughout the trajectory, and search around there.
236            match self.find_minmax(event, Unit::Second, almanac.clone()) {
237                Ok((min_event, max_event)) => {
238                    let lower_min_epoch =
239                        if min_event.epoch() - 1 * Unit::Millisecond < self.first().epoch() {
240                            self.first().epoch()
241                        } else {
242                            min_event.epoch() - 1 * Unit::Millisecond
243                        };
245                    let lower_max_epoch =
246                        if min_event.epoch() + 1 * Unit::Millisecond > self.last().epoch() {
247                            self.last().epoch()
248                        } else {
249                            min_event.epoch() + 1 * Unit::Millisecond
250                        };
252                    let upper_min_epoch =
253                        if max_event.epoch() - 1 * Unit::Millisecond < self.first().epoch() {
254                            self.first().epoch()
255                        } else {
256                            max_event.epoch() - 1 * Unit::Millisecond
257                        };
259                    let upper_max_epoch =
260                        if max_event.epoch() + 1 * Unit::Millisecond > self.last().epoch() {
261                            self.last().epoch()
262                        } else {
263                            max_event.epoch() + 1 * Unit::Millisecond
264                        };
266                    // Search around the min event
267                    if let Ok(event_state) = self.find_bracketed(
268                        lower_min_epoch,
269                        lower_max_epoch,
270                        event,
271                        almanac.clone(),
272                    ) {
273                        states.push(event_state);
274                    };
276                    // Search around the max event
277                    if let Ok(event_state) = self.find_bracketed(
278                        upper_min_epoch,
279                        upper_max_epoch,
280                        event,
281                        almanac.clone(),
282                    ) {
283                        states.push(event_state);
284                    };
286                    // If there still isn't any match, report that the event was not found
287                    if states.is_empty() {
288                        return Err(EventError::NotFound {
289                            start: start_epoch,
290                            end: end_epoch,
291                            event: format!("{event}"),
292                        });
293                    }
294                }
295                Err(_) => {
296                    return Err(EventError::NotFound {
297                        start: start_epoch,
298                        end: end_epoch,
299                        event: format!("{event}"),
300                    });
301                }
302            };
303        }
304        // Remove duplicates and reorder
305        states.sort_by(|s1, s2| s1.state.epoch().partial_cmp(&s2.state.epoch()).unwrap());
306        states.dedup();
308        match states.len() {
309            0 => info!("Event {event} not found"),
310            1 => info!("Event {event} found once on {}", states[0].state.epoch()),
311            _ => {
312                info!(
313                    "Event {event} found {} times from {} until {}",
314                    states.len(),
315                    states.first().unwrap().state.epoch(),
316                    states.last().unwrap().state.epoch()
317                )
318            }
319        };
321        Ok(states)
322    }
324    /// Find the minimum and maximum of the provided event through the trajectory
325    #[allow(clippy::identity_op)]
326    pub fn find_minmax<E>(
327        &self,
328        event: &E,
329        precision: Unit,
330        almanac: Arc<Almanac>,
331    ) -> Result<(S, S), EventError>
332    where
333        E: EventEvaluator<S>,
334    {
335        let step: Duration = 1 * precision;
336        let mut min_val = f64::INFINITY;
337        let mut max_val = f64::NEG_INFINITY;
338        let mut min_state = S::zeros();
339        let mut max_state = S::zeros();
341        let (sender, receiver) = channel();
343        let epochs: Vec<Epoch> =
344            TimeSeries::inclusive(self.first().epoch(), self.last().epoch(), step).collect();
346        epochs.into_par_iter().for_each_with(sender, |s, epoch| {
347            // The `at` call will work because we only query within the start and end times of the trajectory
348            let state = self.at(epoch).unwrap();
349            if let Ok(this_eval) = event.eval(&state, almanac.clone()) {
350                s.send((this_eval, state)).unwrap();
351            }
352        });
354        let evald_states: Vec<_> = receiver.iter().collect();
355        for (this_eval, state) in evald_states {
356            if this_eval < min_val {
357                min_val = this_eval;
358                min_state = state;
359            }
360            if this_eval > max_val {
361                max_val = this_eval;
362                max_state = state;
363            }
364        }
366        Ok((min_state, max_state))
367    }
369    /// Identifies and pairs rising and falling edge events in a trajectory.
370    ///
371    /// This function processes a sequence of events in a trajectory and pairs each rising edge event with its subsequent falling edge event to form arcs.
372    /// Each arc represents a complete cycle of an event rising above and then falling below a specified threshold.
373    /// Use this to analyze a trajectory's behavior when understanding the complete cycle of an event (from rising to falling) is essential, e.g. ground station passes.
374    ///
375    /// # Arguments
376    /// - `event`: A reference to an object implementing the `EventEvaluator<S>` trait, which is used to evaluate and classify events in the trajectory.
377    ///
378    /// # Returns
379    /// - `Result<Vec<EventArc>, NyxError>`: On success, returns a vector of EventArc, where each struct contains a pair of `EventDetails` (one for the rising edge and one for the falling edge). Returns an error if any issues occur during the event evaluation process.
380    ///
381    /// # Logic
382    /// - Sorts the events by their epoch to ensure chronological processing.
383    /// - Iterates through the sorted events, identifying transitions from falling to rising edges and vice versa.
384    /// - Pairs a rising edge with the subsequent falling edge to form an arc.
385    /// - Handles edge cases where the trajectory starts or ends with a rising or falling edge.
386    /// - Prints debug information for each event and arc.
387    ///
388    /// ## Note
389    /// If no zero crossing happens in the trajectory, i.e. the there is "event is true" _and_ "event is false",
390    /// then this function checks whether the event is true at the start and end of the trajectory. If so, it means
391    /// that there is a single arc that spans the whole trajectory.
392    ///
393    pub fn find_arcs<E>(
394        &self,
395        event: &E,
396        almanac: Arc<Almanac>,
397    ) -> Result<Vec<EventArc<S>>, EventError>
398    where
399        E: EventEvaluator<S>,
400    {
401        let mut events = match self.find(event, almanac.clone()) {
402            Ok(events) => events,
403            Err(_) => {
404                // We haven't found the start or end of an arc, i.e. no zero crossing on the event.
405                // However, if the trajectory start and end are above the event value, then we found an arc.
406                let first_eval = event.eval(self.first(), almanac.clone())?;
407                let last_eval = event.eval(self.last(), almanac.clone())?;
408                if first_eval > 0.0 && last_eval > 0.0 {
409                    // No event crossing found, but from the start until the end of the trajectory, we're in the same arc
410                    // because the evaluation of the event is above the zero crossing.
411                    // Hence, there's a single arc, and it's from start until the end of the trajectory.
412                    vec![
413                        EventDetails::new(*self.first(), first_eval, event, self, almanac.clone())?,
414                        EventDetails::new(*self.last(), last_eval, event, self, almanac.clone())?,
415                    ]
416                } else {
417                    return Err(EventError::NotFound {
418                        start: self.first().epoch(),
419                        end: self.last().epoch(),
420                        event: format!("{event}"),
421                    });
422                }
423            }
424        };
425        events.sort_by_key(|event| event.state.epoch());
427        // Now, let's pair the events.
428        let mut arcs = Vec::new();
430        if events.is_empty() {
431            return Ok(arcs);
432        }
434        // If the first event isn't a rising edge, then we mark the start of the trajectory as a rising edge
435        let mut prev_rise = if events[0].edge != EventEdge::Rising {
436            let value = event.eval(self.first(), almanac.clone())?;
437            Some(EventDetails::new(
438                *self.first(),
439                value,
440                event,
441                self,
442                almanac.clone(),
443            )?)
444        } else {
445            Some(events[0].clone())
446        };
448        let mut prev_fall = if events[0].edge == EventEdge::Falling {
449            Some(events[0].clone())
450        } else {
451            None
452        };
454        for event in events {
455            if event.edge == EventEdge::Rising {
456                if prev_rise.is_none() && prev_fall.is_none() {
457                    // This is a new rising edge
458                    prev_rise = Some(event.clone());
459                } else if prev_fall.is_some() {
460                    // We've found a transition from a fall to a rise, so we can close this arc out.
461                    if prev_rise.is_some() {
462                        let arc = EventArc {
463                            rise: prev_rise.clone().unwrap(),
464                            fall: prev_fall.clone().unwrap(),
465                        };
466                        arcs.push(arc);
467                    } else {
468                        let arc = EventArc {
469                            rise: event.clone(),
470                            fall: prev_fall.clone().unwrap(),
471                        };
472                        arcs.push(arc);
473                    }
474                    prev_fall = None;
475                    // We have a new rising edge since this is how we ended up here.
476                    prev_rise = Some(event.clone());
477                }
478            } else if event.edge == EventEdge::Falling {
479                prev_fall = Some(event.clone());
480            }
481        }
483        // Add the final pass
484        if prev_rise.is_some() {
485            if prev_fall.is_some() {
486                let arc = EventArc {
487                    rise: prev_rise.clone().unwrap(),
488                    fall: prev_fall.clone().unwrap(),
489                };
490                arcs.push(arc);
491            } else {
492                // Use the last trajectory as the end of the arc
493                let value = event.eval(self.last(), almanac.clone())?;
494                let fall = EventDetails::new(*self.last(), value, event, self, almanac.clone())?;
495                let arc = EventArc {
496                    rise: prev_rise.clone().unwrap(),
497                    fall,
498                };
499                arcs.push(arc);
500            }
501        }
503        Ok(arcs)
504    }