
2    Nyx, blazing fast astrodynamics
3    Copyright (C) 2018-onwards Christopher Rabotin <christopher.rabotin@gmail.com>
5    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
7    by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8    (at your option) any later version.
10    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
16    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19pub use crate::errors::NyxError;
20use crate::linalg::allocator::Allocator;
21use crate::linalg::{DefaultAllocator, DimName, OMatrix, OVector, U3};
22pub use crate::od::estimate::{Estimate, KfEstimate, Residual};
23use crate::od::process::ResidRejectCrit;
24pub use crate::od::snc::SNC;
25use crate::od::{Filter, ODDynamicsSnafu, ODError, State};
26pub use crate::time::{Epoch, Unit};
27use snafu::prelude::*;
29/// Defines both a Classical and an Extended Kalman filter (CKF and EKF)
30/// T: Type of state
31/// A: Acceleration size (for SNC)
32/// M: Measurement size (used for the sensitivity matrix)
33#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
35pub struct KF<T, A, M>
37    A: DimName,
38    M: DimName,
39    T: State,
40    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<M>
41        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size>
42        + Allocator<<T as State>::VecLength>
43        + Allocator<A>
44        + Allocator<M, M>
45        + Allocator<M, <T as State>::Size>
46        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size, <T as State>::Size>
47        + Allocator<A, A>
48        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size, A>
49        + Allocator<A, <T as State>::Size>,
50    <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<<T as State>::Size>>::Buffer<f64>: Copy,
51    <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<<T as State>::Size, <T as State>::Size>>::Buffer<f64>: Copy,
53    /// The previous estimate used in the KF computations.
54    pub prev_estimate: KfEstimate<T>,
55    /// A sets of process noise (usually noted Q), must be ordered chronologically
56    pub process_noise: Vec<SNC<A>>,
57    /// Determines whether this KF should operate as a Conventional/Classical Kalman filter or an Extended Kalman Filter.
58    /// Recall that one should switch to an Extended KF only once the estimate is good (i.e. after a few good measurement updates on a CKF).
59    pub ekf: bool,
60    h_tilde: OMatrix<f64, M, <T as State>::Size>,
61    h_tilde_updated: bool,
62    prev_used_snc: usize,
65impl<T, A, M> KF<T, A, M>
67    A: DimName,
68    M: DimName,
69    T: State,
70    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<M>
71        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size>
72        + Allocator<<T as State>::VecLength>
73        + Allocator<A>
74        + Allocator<M, M>
75        + Allocator<M, <T as State>::Size>
76        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size, M>
77        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size, <T as State>::Size>
78        + Allocator<A, A>
79        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size, A>
80        + Allocator<A, <T as State>::Size>,
81    <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<<T as State>::Size>>::Buffer<f64>: Copy,
82    <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<<T as State>::Size, <T as State>::Size>>::Buffer<f64>: Copy,
84    /// Initializes this KF with an initial estimate, measurement noise, and one process noise
85    pub fn new(initial_estimate: KfEstimate<T>, process_noise: SNC<A>) -> Self {
86        assert_eq!(
87            A::dim() % 3,
88            0,
89            "SNC can only be applied to accelerations multiple of 3"
90        );
92        // Set the initial epoch of the SNC
93        let mut process_noise = process_noise;
94        process_noise.init_epoch = Some(initial_estimate.epoch());
96        Self {
97            prev_estimate: initial_estimate,
98            process_noise: vec![process_noise],
99            ekf: false,
100            h_tilde: OMatrix::<f64, M, <T as State>::Size>::zeros(),
101            h_tilde_updated: false,
102            prev_used_snc: 0,
103        }
104    }
106    /// Initializes this KF with an initial estimate, measurement noise, and several process noise
107    /// WARNING: SNCs MUST be ordered chronologically! They will be selected automatically by walking
108    /// the list of SNCs backward until one can be applied!
109    pub fn with_sncs(initial_estimate: KfEstimate<T>, process_noises: Vec<SNC<A>>) -> Self {
110        assert_eq!(
111            A::dim() % 3,
112            0,
113            "SNC can only be applied to accelerations multiple of 3"
114        );
115        let mut process_noises = process_noises;
116        // Set the initial epoch of the SNC
117        for snc in &mut process_noises {
118            snc.init_epoch = Some(initial_estimate.epoch());
119        }
121        Self {
122            prev_estimate: initial_estimate,
123            process_noise: process_noises,
124            ekf: false,
125            h_tilde: OMatrix::<f64, M, <T as State>::Size>::zeros(),
126            h_tilde_updated: false,
127            prev_used_snc: 0,
128        }
129    }
132impl<T, M> KF<T, U3, M>
134    M: DimName,
135    T: State,
136    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<M>
137        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size>
138        + Allocator<<T as State>::VecLength>
139        + Allocator<M, M>
140        + Allocator<M, <T as State>::Size>
141        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size, M>
142        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size, <T as State>::Size>
143        + Allocator<U3, U3>
144        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size, U3>
145        + Allocator<U3, <T as State>::Size>,
146    <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<<T as State>::Size>>::Buffer<f64>: Copy,
147    <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<<T as State>::Size, <T as State>::Size>>::Buffer<f64>: Copy,
149    /// Initializes this KF without SNC
150    pub fn no_snc(initial_estimate: KfEstimate<T>) -> Self {
151        Self {
152            prev_estimate: initial_estimate,
153            process_noise: Vec::new(),
154            ekf: false,
155            h_tilde: OMatrix::<f64, M, <T as State>::Size>::zeros(),
156            h_tilde_updated: false,
157            prev_used_snc: 0,
158        }
159    }
162impl<T, A, M> Filter<T, A, M> for KF<T, A, M>
164    A: DimName,
165    M: DimName,
166    T: State,
167    DefaultAllocator: Allocator<M>
168        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size>
169        + Allocator<<T as State>::VecLength>
170        + Allocator<A>
171        + Allocator<M, M>
172        + Allocator<M, <T as State>::Size>
173        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size, M>
174        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size, <T as State>::Size>
175        + Allocator<A, A>
176        + Allocator<<T as State>::Size, A>
177        + Allocator<A, <T as State>::Size>
178        + Allocator<nalgebra::Const<1>, M>,
179    <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<<T as State>::Size>>::Buffer<f64>: Copy,
180    <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<<T as State>::Size, <T as State>::Size>>::Buffer<f64>: Copy,
182    type Estimate = KfEstimate<T>;
184    /// Returns the previous estimate
185    fn previous_estimate(&self) -> &Self::Estimate {
186        &self.prev_estimate
187    }
189    fn set_previous_estimate(&mut self, est: &Self::Estimate) {
190        self.prev_estimate = *est;
191    }
193    /// Update the sensitivity matrix (or "H tilde"). This function **must** be called prior to each
194    /// call to `measurement_update`.
195    fn update_h_tilde(&mut self, h_tilde: OMatrix<f64, M, <T as State>::Size>) {
196        self.h_tilde = h_tilde;
197        self.h_tilde_updated = true;
198    }
200    /// Computes a time update/prediction (i.e. advances the filter estimate with the updated STM).
201    ///
202    /// May return a FilterError if the STM was not updated.
203    fn time_update(&mut self, nominal_state: T) -> Result<Self::Estimate, ODError> {
204        let stm = nominal_state.stm().context(ODDynamicsSnafu)?;
205        let mut covar_bar = stm * self.prev_estimate.covar * stm.transpose();
207        // Try to apply an SNC, if applicable
208        for (i, snc) in self.process_noise.iter().enumerate().rev() {
209            if let Some(snc_matrix) = snc.to_matrix(nominal_state.epoch()) {
210                // Check if we're using another SNC than the one before
211                if self.prev_used_snc != i {
212                    info!("Switched to {}-th {}", i, snc);
213                    self.prev_used_snc = i;
214                }
216                // Let's compute the Gamma matrix, an approximation of the time integral
217                // which assumes that the acceleration is constant between these two measurements.
218                let mut gamma = OMatrix::<f64, <T as State>::Size, A>::zeros();
219                let delta_t = (nominal_state.epoch() - self.prev_estimate.epoch()).to_seconds();
220                for blk in 0..A::dim() / 3 {
221                    for i in 0..3 {
222                        let idx_i = i + A::dim() * blk;
223                        let idx_j = i + 3 * blk;
224                        let idx_k = i + 3 + A::dim() * blk;
225                        // For first block
226                        // (0, 0) (1, 1) (2, 2) <=> \Delta t^2/2
227                        // (3, 0) (4, 1) (5, 2) <=> \Delta t
228                        // Second block
229                        // (6, 3) (7, 4) (8, 5) <=> \Delta t^2/2
230                        // (9, 3) (10, 4) (11, 5) <=> \Delta t
231                        // * \Delta t^2/2
232                        // (i, i) when blk = 0
233                        // (i + A::dim() * blk, i + 3) when blk = 1
234                        // (i + A::dim() * blk, i + 3 * blk)
235                        // * \Delta t
236                        // (i + 3, i) when blk = 0
237                        // (i + 3, i + 9) when blk = 1 (and I think i + 12 + 3)
238                        // (i + 3 + A::dim() * blk, i + 3 * blk)
239                        gamma[(idx_i, idx_j)] = delta_t.powi(2) / 2.0;
240                        gamma[(idx_k, idx_j)] = delta_t;
241                    }
242                }
243                // Let's add the process noise
244                covar_bar += &gamma * snc_matrix * &gamma.transpose();
245                // And break so we don't add any more process noise
246                break;
247            }
248        }
250        let state_bar = if self.ekf {
251            OVector::<f64, <T as State>::Size>::zeros()
252        } else {
253            stm * self.prev_estimate.state_deviation
254        };
255        let estimate = KfEstimate {
256            nominal_state,
257            state_deviation: state_bar,
258            covar: covar_bar,
259            covar_bar,
260            stm,
261            predicted: true,
262        };
263        self.prev_estimate = estimate;
264        // Update the prev epoch for all SNCs
265        for snc in &mut self.process_noise {
266            snc.prev_epoch = Some(self.prev_estimate.epoch());
267        }
268        Ok(estimate)
269    }
271    /// Computes the measurement update with a provided real observation and computed observation.
272    ///
273    /// May return a FilterError if the STM or sensitivity matrices were not updated.
274    fn measurement_update(
275        &mut self,
276        nominal_state: T,
277        real_obs: &OVector<f64, M>,
278        computed_obs: &OVector<f64, M>,
279        r_k: OMatrix<f64, M, M>,
280        resid_rejection: Option<ResidRejectCrit>,
281    ) -> Result<(Self::Estimate, Residual<M>), ODError> {
282        if !self.h_tilde_updated {
283            return Err(ODError::SensitivityNotUpdated);
284        }
286        let stm = nominal_state.stm().context(ODDynamicsSnafu)?;
288        let epoch = nominal_state.epoch();
290        let covar_bar = stm * self.prev_estimate.covar * stm.transpose();
292        let h_tilde_t = &self.h_tilde.transpose();
293        let h_p_ht = &self.h_tilde * covar_bar * h_tilde_t;
295        let s_k = &h_p_ht + &r_k;
297        // Compute observation deviation (usually marked as y_i)
298        let prefit = real_obs - computed_obs;
300        // Compute the prefit ratio for the automatic rejection.
301        // The measurement covariance is the square of the measurement itself.
302        // So we compute its Cholesky decomposition to return to the non squared values.
303        let r_k_chol = match s_k.clone().cholesky() {
304            Some(r_k_clone) => r_k_clone.l(),
305            None => {
306                // In very rare case, when there isn't enough noise in the measurements,
307                // the inverting of S_k fails. If so, we revert back to the nominal Kalman derivation.
308                r_k.clone().cholesky().ok_or(ODError::SingularNoiseRk)?.l()
309            }
310        };
312        // Compute the ratio as the average of each component of the prefit over the square root of the measurement
313        // matrix r_k. Refer to ODTK MathSpec equation 4.10.
314        let ratio = s_k
315            .diagonal()
316            .iter()
317            .copied()
318            .enumerate()
319            .map(|(idx, r)| prefit[idx] / r.sqrt())
320            .sum::<f64>()
321            / (M::USIZE as f64);
323        if let Some(resid_reject) = resid_rejection {
324            if ratio.abs() > resid_reject.num_sigmas {
325                // Reject this whole measurement and perform only a time update
326                let pred_est = self.time_update(nominal_state)?;
327                return Ok((
328                    pred_est,
329                    Residual::rejected(epoch, prefit, ratio, r_k_chol.diagonal()),
330                ));
331            }
332        }
334        // Compute the innovation matrix (S_k) but using the previously computed s_k.
335        // This differs from the typical Kalman definition, but it allows constant inflating of the covariance.
336        // In turn, this allows the filter to not be overly optimistic. In verification tests, using the nominal
337        // Kalman formulation shows an error roughly 7 times larger with a smaller than expected covariance, despite
338        // no difference in the truth and sim.
339        let mut innovation_covar = h_p_ht + &s_k;
340        if !innovation_covar.try_inverse_mut() {
341            return Err(ODError::SingularKalmanGain);
342        }
344        let gain = covar_bar * h_tilde_t * &innovation_covar;
346        // Compute the state estimate
347        let (state_hat, res) = if self.ekf {
348            let state_hat = &gain * &prefit;
349            let postfit = &prefit - (&self.h_tilde * state_hat);
350            (
351                state_hat,
352                Residual::accepted(epoch, prefit, postfit, ratio, r_k_chol.diagonal()),
353            )
354        } else {
355            // Must do a time update first
356            let state_bar = stm * self.prev_estimate.state_deviation;
357            let postfit = &prefit - (&self.h_tilde * state_bar);
358            (
359                state_bar + &gain * &postfit,
360                Residual::accepted(epoch, prefit, postfit, ratio, r_k_chol.diagonal()),
361            )
362        };
364        // Compute covariance (Joseph update)
365        let first_term = OMatrix::<f64, <T as State>::Size, <T as State>::Size>::identity()
366            - &gain * &self.h_tilde;
367        let covar =
368            first_term * covar_bar * first_term.transpose() + &gain * &s_k * &gain.transpose();
370        // And wrap up
371        let estimate = KfEstimate {
372            nominal_state,
373            state_deviation: state_hat,
374            covar,
375            covar_bar,
376            stm,
377            predicted: false,
378        };
380        self.h_tilde_updated = false;
381        self.prev_estimate = estimate;
382        // Update the prev epoch for all SNCs
383        for snc in &mut self.process_noise {
384            snc.prev_epoch = Some(self.prev_estimate.epoch());
385        }
386        Ok((estimate, res))
387    }
389    fn is_extended(&self) -> bool {
390        self.ekf
391    }
393    fn set_extended(&mut self, status: bool) {
394        self.ekf = status;
395    }
397    /// Overwrites all of the process noises to the one provided
398    fn set_process_noise(&mut self, snc: SNC<A>) {
399        self.process_noise = vec![snc];
400    }