Trait nyx_space::propagators::error_ctrl::ErrorCtrl

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pub trait ErrorCtrl
where Self: Copy + Send + Sync,
{ // Required method fn estimate<N: DimName>( error_est: &OVector<f64, N>, candidate: &OVector<f64, N>, cur_state: &OVector<f64, N> ) -> f64 where DefaultAllocator: Allocator<f64, N>; }
Expand description

The Error Control trait manages how a propagator computes the error in the current step.

Required Methods§


fn estimate<N: DimName>( error_est: &OVector<f64, N>, candidate: &OVector<f64, N>, cur_state: &OVector<f64, N> ) -> f64

Computes the actual error of the current step.

The error_est is the estimated error computed from the difference in the two stages of of the RK propagator. The candidate variable is the candidate state, and cur_state is the current state. This function must return the error.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
