Module nyx_space::cosmic::eclipse

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The eclipse module allows finding eclipses and (conversely) visibility between a state and another one (e.g. a planet or the Sun).



  • A Frame uniquely defined by its ephemeris center and orientation. Refer to FrameDetail for frames combined with parameters.
  • An event to find the start of a penumbra
  • An event to find the darkest eclipse state (more than 98% shadow)



  • Computes the umbra/visibilis/penumbra state between between two states accounting for eclipsing of the providing geoid.
  • Computes the light of sight the provided time between two states accounting for eclipsing of the providing geoid. This works for visibility between spacecraft and a ground station. For eclipsing and penumbras, use eclipse_state.

Type Aliases§

  • A helper type alias, but no assumptions are made on the underlying validity of the frame.