Struct Spacecraft

pub struct Spacecraft {
    pub orbit: Orbit,
    pub mass: Mass,
    pub srp: SRPData,
    pub drag: DragData,
    pub thruster: Option<Thruster>,
    pub mode: GuidanceMode,
    pub stm: Option<OMatrix<f64, Const<9>, Const<9>>>,
Expand description

A spacecraft state, composed of its orbit, its masses (dry, prop, extra, all in kg), its SRP configuration, its drag configuration, its thruster configuration, and its guidance mode.

Optionally, the spacecraft state can also store the state transition matrix from the start of the propagation until the current time (i.e. trajectory STM, not step-size STM).


§orbit: Orbit

Initial orbit of the vehicle

§mass: Mass

Dry, propellant, and extra masses

§srp: SRPData

Solar Radiation Pressure configuration for this spacecraft

§drag: DragData§thruster: Option<Thruster>§mode: GuidanceMode

Any extra information or extension that is needed for specific guidance laws

§stm: Option<OMatrix<f64, Const<9>, Const<9>>>

Optionally stores the state transition matrix from the start of the propagation until the current time (i.e. trajectory STM, not step-size STM) STM is contains position and velocity, Cr, Cd, prop mass



impl Spacecraft


pub fn builder() -> SpacecraftBuilder<((), (), (), (), (), (), ())>

Create a builder for building Spacecraft. On the builder, call .orbit(...), .mass(...)(optional), .srp(...)(optional), .drag(...)(optional), .thruster(...)(optional), .mode(...)(optional), .stm(...)(optional) to set the values of the fields. Finally, call .build() to create the instance of Spacecraft.

Examples found in repository?
examples/03_geo_analysis/ (line 39)
28fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
29    pel::init();
30    // Set up the dynamics like in the orbit raise.
31    let almanac = Arc::new(MetaAlmanac::latest().map_err(Box::new)?);
32    let epoch = Epoch::from_gregorian_utc_hms(2024, 2, 29, 12, 13, 14);
34    // Define the GEO orbit, and we're just going to maintain it very tightly.
35    let earth_j2000 = almanac.frame_from_uid(EARTH_J2000)?;
36    let orbit = Orbit::try_keplerian(42164.0, 1e-5, 0., 163.0, 75.0, 0.0, epoch, earth_j2000)?;
37    println!("{orbit:x}");
39    let sc = Spacecraft::builder()
40        .orbit(orbit)
41        .mass(Mass::from_dry_and_prop_masses(1000.0, 1000.0)) // 1000 kg of dry mass and prop, totalling 2.0 tons
42        .srp(SRPData::from_area(3.0 * 6.0)) // Assuming 1 kW/m^2 or 18 kW, giving a margin of 4.35 kW for on-propulsion consumption
43        .thruster(Thruster {
44            // "NEXT-STEP" row in Table 2
45            isp_s: 4435.0,
46            thrust_N: 0.472,
47        })
48        .mode(GuidanceMode::Thrust) // Start thrusting immediately.
49        .build();
51    // Set up the spacecraft dynamics like in the orbit raise example.
53    let prop_time = 30.0 * Unit::Day;
55    // Define the guidance law -- we're just using a Ruggiero controller as demonstrated in AAS-2004-5089.
56    let objectives = &[
57        Objective::within_tolerance(StateParameter::SMA, 42_164.0, 5.0), // 5 km
58        Objective::within_tolerance(StateParameter::Eccentricity, 0.001, 5e-5),
59        Objective::within_tolerance(StateParameter::Inclination, 0.05, 1e-2),
60    ];
62    let ruggiero_ctrl = Ruggiero::from_max_eclipse(objectives, sc, 0.2)?;
63    println!("{ruggiero_ctrl}");
65    let mut orbital_dyn = OrbitalDynamics::point_masses(vec![MOON, SUN]);
67    let mut jgm3_meta = MetaFile {
68        uri: "".to_string(),
69        crc32: Some(0xF446F027), // Specifying the CRC32 avoids redownloading it if it's cached.
70    };
71    jgm3_meta.process(true)?;
73    let harmonics = Harmonics::from_stor(
74        almanac.frame_from_uid(IAU_EARTH_FRAME)?,
75        HarmonicsMem::from_cof(&jgm3_meta.uri, 8, 8, true)?,
76    );
77    orbital_dyn.accel_models.push(harmonics);
79    let srp_dyn = SolarPressure::default(EARTH_J2000, almanac.clone())?;
80    let sc_dynamics = SpacecraftDynamics::from_model(orbital_dyn, srp_dyn)
81        .with_guidance_law(ruggiero_ctrl.clone());
83    println!("{sc_dynamics}");
85    // Finally, let's use the Monte Carlo framework built into Nyx to propagate spacecraft.
87    // Let's start by defining the dispersion.
88    // The MultivariateNormal structure allows us to define the dispersions in any of the orbital parameters, but these are applied directly in the Cartesian state space.
89    // Note that additional validation on the MVN is in progress --
90    let mc_rv = MvnSpacecraft::new(
91        sc,
92        vec![StateDispersion::zero_mean(StateParameter::SMA, 3.0)],
93    )?;
95    let my_mc = MonteCarlo::new(
96        sc, // Nominal state
97        mc_rv,
98        "03_geo_sk".to_string(), // Scenario name
99        None, // No specific seed specified, so one will be drawn from the computer's entropy.
100    );
102    // Build the propagator setup.
103    let setup = Propagator::rk89(
104        sc_dynamics.clone(),
105        IntegratorOptions::builder()
106            .min_step(10.0_f64.seconds())
107            .error_ctrl(ErrorControl::RSSCartesianStep)
108            .build(),
109    );
111    let num_runs = 25;
112    let rslts = my_mc.run_until_epoch(setup, almanac.clone(), sc.epoch() + prop_time, num_runs);
114    assert_eq!(rslts.runs.len(), num_runs);
116    // For all of the resulting trajectories, we'll want to compute the percentage of penumbra and umbra.
118    rslts.to_parquet(
119        "03_geo_sk.parquet",
120        Some(vec![
121            &EclipseLocator::cislunar(almanac.clone()).to_penumbra_event()
122        ]),
123        ExportCfg::default(),
124        almanac,
125    )?;
127    Ok(())
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examples/03_geo_analysis/ (line 52)
27fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
28    pel::init();
30    // Dynamics models require planetary constants and ephemerides to be defined.
31    // Let's start by grabbing those by using ANISE's latest MetaAlmanac.
32    // This will automatically download the DE440s planetary ephemeris,
33    // the daily-updated Earth Orientation Parameters, the high fidelity Moon orientation
34    // parameters (for the Moon Mean Earth and Moon Principal Axes frames), and the PCK11
35    // planetary constants kernels.
36    // For details, refer to
37    // Note that we place the Almanac into an Arc so we can clone it cheaply and provide read-only
38    // references to many functions.
39    let almanac = Arc::new(MetaAlmanac::latest().map_err(Box::new)?);
40    // Fetch the EME2000 frame from the Almabac
41    let eme2k = almanac.frame_from_uid(EARTH_J2000).unwrap();
42    // Define the orbit epoch
43    let epoch = Epoch::from_gregorian_utc_hms(2024, 2, 29, 12, 13, 14);
45    // Build the spacecraft itself.
46    // Using slide 6 of
47    // for the "next gen" SEP characteristics.
49    // GTO start
50    let orbit = Orbit::keplerian(24505.9, 0.725, 7.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, epoch, eme2k);
52    let sc = Spacecraft::builder()
53        .orbit(orbit)
54        .mass(Mass::from_dry_and_prop_masses(1000.0, 1000.0)) // 1000 kg of dry mass and prop, totalling 2.0 tons
55        .srp(SRPData::from_area(3.0 * 6.0)) // Assuming 1 kW/m^2 or 18 kW, giving a margin of 4.35 kW for on-propulsion consumption
56        .thruster(Thruster {
57            // "NEXT-STEP" row in Table 2
58            isp_s: 4435.0,
59            thrust_N: 0.472,
60        })
61        .mode(GuidanceMode::Thrust) // Start thrusting immediately.
62        .build();
64    let prop_time = 180.0 * Unit::Day;
66    // Define the guidance law -- we're just using a Ruggiero controller as demonstrated in AAS-2004-5089.
67    let objectives = &[
68        Objective::within_tolerance(StateParameter::SMA, 42_165.0, 20.0),
69        Objective::within_tolerance(StateParameter::Eccentricity, 0.001, 5e-5),
70        Objective::within_tolerance(StateParameter::Inclination, 0.05, 1e-2),
71    ];
73    // Ensure that we only thrust if we have more than 20% illumination.
74    let ruggiero_ctrl = Ruggiero::from_max_eclipse(objectives, sc, 0.2).unwrap();
75    println!("{ruggiero_ctrl}");
77    // Define the high fidelity dynamics
79    // Set up the spacecraft dynamics.
81    // Specify that the orbital dynamics must account for the graviational pull of the Moon and the Sun.
82    // The gravity of the Earth will also be accounted for since the spaceraft in an Earth orbit.
83    let mut orbital_dyn = OrbitalDynamics::point_masses(vec![MOON, SUN]);
85    // We want to include the spherical harmonics, so let's download the gravitational data from the Nyx Cloud.
86    // We're using the JGM3 model here, which is the default in GMAT.
87    let mut jgm3_meta = MetaFile {
88        uri: "".to_string(),
89        crc32: Some(0xF446F027), // Specifying the CRC32 avoids redownloading it if it's cached.
90    };
91    // And let's download it if we don't have it yet.
92    jgm3_meta.process(true)?;
94    // Build the spherical harmonics.
95    // The harmonics must be computed in the body fixed frame.
96    // We're using the long term prediction of the Earth centered Earth fixed frame, IAU Earth.
97    let harmonics = Harmonics::from_stor(
98        almanac.frame_from_uid(IAU_EARTH_FRAME)?,
99        HarmonicsMem::from_cof(&jgm3_meta.uri, 8, 8, true).unwrap(),
100    );
102    // Include the spherical harmonics into the orbital dynamics.
103    orbital_dyn.accel_models.push(harmonics);
105    // We define the solar radiation pressure, using the default solar flux and accounting only
106    // for the eclipsing caused by the Earth.
107    let srp_dyn = SolarPressure::default(EARTH_J2000, almanac.clone())?;
109    // Finalize setting up the dynamics, specifying the force models (orbital_dyn) separately from the
110    // acceleration models (SRP in this case). Use `from_models` to specify multiple accel models.
111    let sc_dynamics = SpacecraftDynamics::from_model(orbital_dyn, srp_dyn)
112        .with_guidance_law(ruggiero_ctrl.clone());
114    println!("{:x}", orbit);
116    // We specify a minimum step in the propagator because the Ruggiero control would otherwise drive this step very low.
117    let (final_state, traj) = Propagator::rk89(
118        sc_dynamics.clone(),
119        IntegratorOptions::builder()
120            .min_step(10.0_f64.seconds())
121            .error_ctrl(ErrorControl::RSSCartesianStep)
122            .build(),
123    )
124    .with(sc, almanac.clone())
125    .for_duration_with_traj(prop_time)?;
127    let prop_usage = sc.mass.prop_mass_kg - final_state.mass.prop_mass_kg;
128    println!("{:x}", final_state.orbit);
129    println!("prop usage: {:.3} kg", prop_usage);
131    // Finally, export the results for analysis, including the penumbra percentage throughout the orbit raise.
132    traj.to_parquet(
133        "./03_geo_raise.parquet",
134        Some(vec![
135            &EclipseLocator::cislunar(almanac.clone()).to_penumbra_event()
136        ]),
137        ExportCfg::default(),
138        almanac,
139    )?;
141    for status_line in ruggiero_ctrl.status(&final_state) {
142        println!("{status_line}");
143    }
145    ruggiero_ctrl
146        .achieved(&final_state)
147        .expect("objective not achieved");
149    Ok(())
examples/02_jwst_covar_monte_carlo/ (line 63)
26fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
27    pel::init();
28    // Dynamics models require planetary constants and ephemerides to be defined.
29    // Let's start by grabbing those by using ANISE's latest MetaAlmanac.
30    // For details, refer to
32    // Download the regularly update of the James Webb Space Telescope reconstucted (or definitive) ephemeris.
33    // Refer to for details.
34    let mut latest_jwst_ephem = MetaFile {
35        uri: "".to_string(),
36        crc32: None,
37    };
38    latest_jwst_ephem.process(true)?;
40    // Load this ephem in the general Almanac we're using for this analysis.
41    let almanac = Arc::new(
42        MetaAlmanac::latest()
43            .map_err(Box::new)?
44            .load_from_metafile(latest_jwst_ephem, true)?,
45    );
47    // By loading this ephemeris file in the ANISE GUI or ANISE CLI, we can find the NAIF ID of the JWST
48    // in the BSP. We need this ID in order to query the ephemeris.
49    const JWST_NAIF_ID: i32 = -170;
50    // Let's build a frame in the J2000 orientation centered on the JWST.
51    const JWST_J2000: Frame = Frame::from_ephem_j2000(JWST_NAIF_ID);
53    // Since the ephemeris file is updated regularly, we'll just grab the latest state in the ephem.
54    let (earliest_epoch, latest_epoch) = almanac.spk_domain(JWST_NAIF_ID)?;
55    println!("JWST defined from {earliest_epoch} to {latest_epoch}");
56    // Fetch the state, printing it in the Earth J2000 frame.
57    let jwst_orbit = almanac.transform(JWST_J2000, EARTH_J2000, latest_epoch, None)?;
58    println!("{jwst_orbit:x}");
60    // Build the spacecraft
61    // SRP area assumed to be the full sunshield and mass if 6200.0 kg, c.f.
62    // SRP Coefficient of reflectivity assumed to be that of Kapton, i.e. 2 - 0.44 = 1.56, table 1 from
63    let jwst = Spacecraft::builder()
64        .orbit(jwst_orbit)
65        .srp(SRPData {
66            area_m2: 21.197 * 14.162,
67            coeff_reflectivity: 1.56,
68        })
69        .mass(Mass::from_dry_mass(6200.0))
70        .build();
72    // Build up the spacecraft uncertainty builder.
73    // We can use the spacecraft uncertainty structure to build this up.
74    // We start by specifying the nominal state (as defined above), then the uncertainty in position and velocity
75    // in the RIC frame. We could also specify the Cr, Cd, and mass uncertainties, but these aren't accounted for until
76    // Nyx can also estimate the deviation of the spacecraft parameters.
77    let jwst_uncertainty = SpacecraftUncertainty::builder()
78        .nominal(jwst)
79        .frame(LocalFrame::RIC)
80        .x_km(0.5)
81        .y_km(0.3)
82        .z_km(1.5)
83        .vx_km_s(1e-4)
84        .vy_km_s(0.6e-3)
85        .vz_km_s(3e-3)
86        .build();
88    println!("{jwst_uncertainty}");
90    // Build the Kalman filter estimate.
91    // Note that we could have used the KfEstimate structure directly (as seen throughout the OD integration tests)
92    // but this approach requires quite a bit more boilerplate code.
93    let jwst_estimate = jwst_uncertainty.to_estimate()?;
95    // Set up the spacecraft dynamics.
96    // We'll use the point masses of the Earth, Sun, Jupiter (barycenter, because it's in the DE440), and the Moon.
97    // We'll also enable solar radiation pressure since the James Webb has a huge and highly reflective sun shield.
99    let orbital_dyn = OrbitalDynamics::point_masses(vec![MOON, SUN, JUPITER_BARYCENTER]);
100    let srp_dyn = SolarPressure::new(vec![EARTH_J2000, MOON_J2000], almanac.clone())?;
102    // Finalize setting up the dynamics.
103    let dynamics = SpacecraftDynamics::from_model(orbital_dyn, srp_dyn);
105    // Build the propagator set up to use for the whole analysis.
106    let setup = Propagator::default(dynamics);
108    // All of the analysis will use this duration.
109    let prediction_duration = 6.5 * Unit::Day;
111    // === Covariance mapping ===
112    // For the covariance mapping / prediction, we'll use the common orbit determination approach.
113    // This is done by setting up a spacecraft OD process, and predicting for the analysis duration.
115    let ckf = KF::no_snc(jwst_estimate);
117    // Build the propagation instance for the OD process.
118    let prop = setup.with(jwst.with_stm(), almanac.clone());
119    let mut odp = SpacecraftODProcess::ckf(prop, ckf, BTreeMap::new(), None, almanac.clone());
121    // Define the prediction step, i.e. how often we want to know the covariance.
122    let step = 1_i64.minutes();
123    // Finally, predict, and export the trajectory with covariance to a parquet file.
124    odp.predict_for(step, prediction_duration)?;
125    odp.to_parquet(
126        &TrackingDataArc::default(),
127        "./02_jwst_covar_map.parquet",
128        ExportCfg::default(),
129    )?;
131    // === Monte Carlo framework ===
132    // Nyx comes with a complete multi-threaded Monte Carlo frame. It's blazing fast.
134    let my_mc = MonteCarlo::new(
135        jwst, // Nominal state
136        jwst_estimate.to_random_variable()?,
137        "02_jwst".to_string(), // Scenario name
138        None, // No specific seed specified, so one will be drawn from the computer's entropy.
139    );
141    let num_runs = 5_000;
142    let rslts = my_mc.run_until_epoch(
143        setup,
144        almanac.clone(),
145        jwst.epoch() + prediction_duration,
146        num_runs,
147    );
149    assert_eq!(rslts.runs.len(), num_runs);
150    // Finally, export these results, computing the eclipse percentage for all of these results.
152    // For all of the resulting trajectories, we'll want to compute the percentage of penumbra and umbra.
153    let eclipse_loc = EclipseLocator::cislunar(almanac.clone());
154    let umbra_event = eclipse_loc.to_umbra_event();
155    let penumbra_event = eclipse_loc.to_penumbra_event();
157    rslts.to_parquet(
158        "02_jwst_monte_carlo.parquet",
159        Some(vec![&umbra_event, &penumbra_event]),
160        ExportCfg::default(),
161        almanac,
162    )?;
164    Ok(())
examples/03_geo_analysis/ (line 62)
26fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
27    pel::init();
28    // Dynamics models require planetary constants and ephemerides to be defined.
29    // Let's start by grabbing those by using ANISE's latest MetaAlmanac.
30    // This will automatically download the DE440s planetary ephemeris,
31    // the daily-updated Earth Orientation Parameters, the high fidelity Moon orientation
32    // parameters (for the Moon Mean Earth and Moon Principal Axes frames), and the PCK11
33    // planetary constants kernels.
34    // For details, refer to
35    // Note that we place the Almanac into an Arc so we can clone it cheaply and provide read-only
36    // references to many functions.
37    let almanac = Arc::new(MetaAlmanac::latest().map_err(Box::new)?);
38    // Define the orbit epoch
39    let epoch = Epoch::from_gregorian_utc_hms(2024, 2, 29, 12, 13, 14);
41    // Define the orbit.
42    // First we need to fetch the Earth J2000 from information from the Almanac.
43    // This allows the frame to include the gravitational parameters and the shape of the Earth,
44    // defined as a tri-axial ellipoid. Note that this shape can be changed manually or in the Almanac
45    // by loading a different set of planetary constants.
46    let earth_j2000 = almanac.frame_from_uid(EARTH_J2000)?;
48    // Placing this GEO bird just above Colorado.
49    // In theory, the eccentricity is zero, but in practice, it's about 1e-5 to 1e-6 at best.
50    let orbit = Orbit::try_keplerian(42164.0, 1e-5, 0., 163.0, 75.0, 0.0, epoch, earth_j2000)?;
51    // Print in in Keplerian form.
52    println!("{orbit:x}");
54    let state_bf = almanac.transform_to(orbit, IAU_EARTH_FRAME, None)?;
55    let (orig_lat_deg, orig_long_deg, orig_alt_km) = state_bf.latlongalt()?;
57    // Nyx is used for high fidelity propagation, not Keplerian propagation as above.
58    // Nyx only propagates Spacecraft at the moment, which allows it to account for acceleration
59    // models such as solar radiation pressure.
61    // Let's build a cubesat sized spacecraft, with an SRP area of 10 cm^2 and a mass of 9.6 kg.
62    let sc = Spacecraft::builder()
63        .orbit(orbit)
64        .mass(Mass::from_dry_mass(9.60))
65        .srp(SRPData {
66            area_m2: 10e-4,
67            coeff_reflectivity: 1.1,
68        })
69        .build();
70    println!("{sc:x}");
72    // Set up the spacecraft dynamics.
74    // Specify that the orbital dynamics must account for the graviational pull of the Moon and the Sun.
75    // The gravity of the Earth will also be accounted for since the spaceraft in an Earth orbit.
76    let mut orbital_dyn = OrbitalDynamics::point_masses(vec![MOON, SUN]);
78    // We want to include the spherical harmonics, so let's download the gravitational data from the Nyx Cloud.
79    // We're using the JGM3 model here, which is the default in GMAT.
80    let mut jgm3_meta = MetaFile {
81        uri: "".to_string(),
82        crc32: Some(0xF446F027), // Specifying the CRC32 avoids redownloading it if it's cached.
83    };
84    // And let's download it if we don't have it yet.
85    jgm3_meta.process(true)?;
87    // Build the spherical harmonics.
88    // The harmonics must be computed in the body fixed frame.
89    // We're using the long term prediction of the Earth centered Earth fixed frame, IAU Earth.
90    let harmonics_21x21 = Harmonics::from_stor(
91        almanac.frame_from_uid(IAU_EARTH_FRAME)?,
92        HarmonicsMem::from_cof(&jgm3_meta.uri, 21, 21, true).unwrap(),
93    );
95    // Include the spherical harmonics into the orbital dynamics.
96    orbital_dyn.accel_models.push(harmonics_21x21);
98    // We define the solar radiation pressure, using the default solar flux and accounting only
99    // for the eclipsing caused by the Earth and Moon.
100    let srp_dyn = SolarPressure::new(vec![EARTH_J2000, MOON_J2000], almanac.clone())?;
102    // Finalize setting up the dynamics, specifying the force models (orbital_dyn) separately from the
103    // acceleration models (SRP in this case). Use `from_models` to specify multiple accel models.
104    let dynamics = SpacecraftDynamics::from_model(orbital_dyn, srp_dyn);
106    println!("{dynamics}");
108    // Finally, let's propagate this orbit to the same epoch as above.
109    // The first returned value is the spacecraft state at the final epoch.
110    // The second value is the full trajectory where the step size is variable step used by the propagator.
111    let (future_sc, trajectory) = Propagator::default(dynamics)
112        .with(sc, almanac.clone())
113        .until_epoch_with_traj(epoch + Unit::Century * 0.03)?;
115    println!("=== High fidelity propagation ===");
116    println!(
117        "SMA changed by {:.3} km",
118        orbit.sma_km()? - future_sc.orbit.sma_km()?
119    );
120    println!(
121        "ECC changed by {:.6}",
122        orbit.ecc()? - future_sc.orbit.ecc()?
123    );
124    println!(
125        "INC changed by {:.3e} deg",
126        orbit.inc_deg()? - future_sc.orbit.inc_deg()?
127    );
128    println!(
129        "RAAN changed by {:.3} deg",
130        orbit.raan_deg()? - future_sc.orbit.raan_deg()?
131    );
132    println!(
133        "AOP changed by {:.3} deg",
134        orbit.aop_deg()? - future_sc.orbit.aop_deg()?
135    );
136    println!(
137        "TA changed by {:.3} deg",
138        orbit.ta_deg()? - future_sc.orbit.ta_deg()?
139    );
141    // We also have access to the full trajectory throughout the propagation.
142    println!("{trajectory}");
144    println!("Spacecraft params after 3 years without active control:\n{future_sc:x}");
146    // With the trajectory, let's build a few data products.
148    // 1. Export the trajectory as a parquet file, which includes the Keplerian orbital elements.
150    let analysis_step = Unit::Minute * 5;
152    trajectory.to_parquet(
153        "./03_geo_hf_prop.parquet",
154        Some(vec![
155            &EclipseLocator::cislunar(almanac.clone()).to_penumbra_event()
156        ]),
157        ExportCfg::builder().step(analysis_step).build(),
158        almanac.clone(),
159    )?;
161    // 2. Compute the latitude, longitude, and altitude throughout the trajectory by rotating the spacecraft position into the Earth body fixed frame.
163    // We iterate over the trajectory, grabbing a state every two minutes.
164    let mut offset_s = vec![];
165    let mut epoch_str = vec![];
166    let mut longitude_deg = vec![];
167    let mut latitude_deg = vec![];
168    let mut altitude_km = vec![];
170    for state in trajectory.every(analysis_step) {
171        // Convert the GEO bird state into the body fixed frame, and keep track of its latitude, longitude, and altitude.
172        // These define the GEO stationkeeping box.
174        let this_epoch = state.epoch();
176        offset_s.push((this_epoch - orbit.epoch).to_seconds());
177        epoch_str.push(this_epoch.to_isoformat());
179        let state_bf = almanac.transform_to(state.orbit, IAU_EARTH_FRAME, None)?;
180        let (lat_deg, long_deg, alt_km) = state_bf.latlongalt()?;
181        longitude_deg.push(long_deg);
182        latitude_deg.push(lat_deg);
183        altitude_km.push(alt_km);
184    }
186    println!(
187        "Longitude changed by {:.3} deg -- Box is 0.1 deg E-W",
188        orig_long_deg - longitude_deg.last().unwrap()
189    );
191    println!(
192        "Latitude changed by {:.3} deg -- Box is 0.05 deg N-S",
193        orig_lat_deg - latitude_deg.last().unwrap()
194    );
196    println!(
197        "Altitude changed by {:.3} km -- Box is 30 km",
198        orig_alt_km - altitude_km.last().unwrap()
199    );
201    // Build the station keeping data frame.
202    let mut sk_df = df!(
203        "Offset (s)" => offset_s.clone(),
204        "Epoch (UTC)" => epoch_str.clone(),
205        "Longitude E-W (deg)" => longitude_deg,
206        "Latitude N-S (deg)" => latitude_deg,
207        "Altitude (km)" => altitude_km,
209    )?;
211    // Create a file to write the Parquet to
212    let file = File::create("./03_geo_lla.parquet").expect("Could not create file");
214    // Create a ParquetWriter and write the DataFrame to the file
215    ParquetWriter::new(file).finish(&mut sk_df)?;
217    Ok(())
examples/04_lro_od/ (line 79)
33fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
34    pel::init();
36    // ====================== //
37    // === ALMANAC SET UP === //
38    // ====================== //
40    // Dynamics models require planetary constants and ephemerides to be defined.
41    // Let's start by grabbing those by using ANISE's MetaAlmanac.
43    let data_folder: PathBuf = [env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "examples", "04_lro_od"]
44        .iter()
45        .collect();
47    let meta = data_folder.join("lro-dynamics.dhall");
49    // Load this ephem in the general Almanac we're using for this analysis.
50    let mut almanac = MetaAlmanac::new(meta.to_string_lossy().to_string())
51        .map_err(Box::new)?
52        .process(true)
53        .map_err(Box::new)?;
55    let mut moon_pc = almanac.planetary_data.get_by_id(MOON)?;
56    moon_pc.mu_km3_s2 = 4902.74987;
57    almanac.planetary_data.set_by_id(MOON, moon_pc)?;
59    let mut earth_pc = almanac.planetary_data.get_by_id(EARTH)?;
60    earth_pc.mu_km3_s2 = 398600.436;
61    almanac.planetary_data.set_by_id(EARTH, earth_pc)?;
63    // Save this new kernel for reuse.
64    // In an operational context, this would be part of the "Lock" process, and should not change throughout the mission.
65    almanac
66        .planetary_data
67        .save_as(&data_folder.join("lro-specific.pca"), true)?;
69    // Lock the almanac (an Arc is a read only structure).
70    let almanac = Arc::new(almanac);
72    // Orbit determination requires a Trajectory structure, which can be saved as parquet file.
73    // In our case, the trajectory comes from the BSP file, so we need to build a Trajectory from the almanac directly.
74    // To query the Almanac, we need to build the LRO frame in the J2000 orientation in our case.
75    // Inspecting the LRO BSP in the ANISE GUI shows us that NASA has assigned ID -85 to LRO.
76    let lro_frame = Frame::from_ephem_j2000(-85);
78    // To build the trajectory we need to provide a spacecraft template.
79    let sc_template = Spacecraft::builder()
80        .mass(Mass::from_dry_and_prop_masses(1018.0, 900.0)) // Launch masses
81        .srp(SRPData {
82            // SRP configuration is arbitrary, but we will be estimating it anyway.
83            area_m2: 3.9 * 2.7,
84            coeff_reflectivity: 0.96,
85        })
86        .orbit(Orbit::zero(MOON_J2000)) // Setting a zero orbit here because it's just a template
87        .build();
88    // Now we can build the trajectory from the BSP file.
89    // We'll arbitrarily set the tracking arc to 24 hours with a five second time step.
90    let traj_as_flown = Traj::from_bsp(
91        lro_frame,
92        MOON_J2000,
93        almanac.clone(),
94        sc_template,
95        5.seconds(),
96        Some(Epoch::from_str("2024-01-01 00:00:00 UTC")?),
97        Some(Epoch::from_str("2024-01-02 00:00:00 UTC")?),
98        Aberration::LT,
99        Some("LRO".to_string()),
100    )?;
102    println!("{traj_as_flown}");
104    // ====================== //
105    // === MODEL MATCHING === //
106    // ====================== //
108    // Set up the spacecraft dynamics.
110    // Specify that the orbital dynamics must account for the graviational pull of the Earth and the Sun.
111    // The gravity of the Moon will also be accounted for since the spaceraft in a lunar orbit.
112    let mut orbital_dyn = OrbitalDynamics::point_masses(vec![EARTH, SUN, JUPITER_BARYCENTER]);
114    // We want to include the spherical harmonics, so let's download the gravitational data from the Nyx Cloud.
115    // We're using the GRAIL JGGRX model.
116    let mut jggrx_meta = MetaFile {
117        uri: "".to_string(),
118        crc32: Some(0x6bcacda8), // Specifying the CRC32 avoids redownloading it if it's cached.
119    };
120    // And let's download it if we don't have it yet.
121    jggrx_meta.process(true)?;
123    // Build the spherical harmonics.
124    // The harmonics must be computed in the body fixed frame.
125    // We're using the long term prediction of the Moon principal axes frame.
126    let moon_pa_frame = MOON_PA_FRAME.with_orient(31008);
127    let sph_harmonics = Harmonics::from_stor(
128        almanac.frame_from_uid(moon_pa_frame)?,
129        HarmonicsMem::from_shadr(&jggrx_meta.uri, 80, 80, true)?,
130    );
132    // Include the spherical harmonics into the orbital dynamics.
133    orbital_dyn.accel_models.push(sph_harmonics);
135    // We define the solar radiation pressure, using the default solar flux and accounting only
136    // for the eclipsing caused by the Earth and Moon.
137    // Note that by default, enabling the SolarPressure model will also enable the estimation of the coefficient of reflectivity.
138    let srp_dyn = SolarPressure::new(vec![EARTH_J2000, MOON_J2000], almanac.clone())?;
140    // Finalize setting up the dynamics, specifying the force models (orbital_dyn) separately from the
141    // acceleration models (SRP in this case). Use `from_models` to specify multiple accel models.
142    let dynamics = SpacecraftDynamics::from_model(orbital_dyn, srp_dyn);
144    println!("{dynamics}");
146    // Now we can build the propagator.
147    let setup = Propagator::default_dp78(dynamics.clone());
149    // For reference, let's build the trajectory with Nyx's models from that LRO state.
150    let (sim_final, traj_as_sim) = setup
151        .with(*traj_as_flown.first(), almanac.clone())
152        .until_epoch_with_traj(traj_as_flown.last().epoch())?;
154    println!("SIM INIT:  {:x}", traj_as_flown.first());
155    println!("SIM FINAL: {sim_final:x}");
156    // Compute RIC difference between SIM and LRO ephem
157    let sim_lro_delta = sim_final
158        .orbit
159        .ric_difference(&traj_as_flown.last().orbit)?;
160    println!("{traj_as_sim}");
161    println!(
162        "SIM v LRO - RIC Position (m): {:.3}",
163        sim_lro_delta.radius_km * 1e3
164    );
165    println!(
166        "SIM v LRO - RIC Velocity (m/s): {:.3}",
167        sim_lro_delta.velocity_km_s * 1e3
168    );
170    traj_as_sim.ric_diff_to_parquet(
171        &traj_as_flown,
172        "./04_lro_sim_truth_error.parquet",
173        ExportCfg::default(),
174    )?;
176    // ==================== //
177    // === OD SIMULATOR === //
178    // ==================== //
180    // After quite some time trying to exactly match the model, we still end up with an oscillatory difference on the order of 150 meters between the propagated state
181    // and the truth LRO state.
183    // Therefore, we will actually run an estimation from a dispersed LRO state.
184    // The sc_seed is the true LRO state from the BSP.
185    let sc_seed = *traj_as_flown.first();
187    // Load the Deep Space Network ground stations.
188    // Nyx allows you to build these at runtime but it's pretty static so we can just load them from YAML.
189    let ground_station_file: PathBuf = [
190        env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"),
191        "examples",
192        "04_lro_od",
193        "dsn-network.yaml",
194    ]
195    .iter()
196    .collect();
198    let devices = GroundStation::load_named(ground_station_file)?;
200    // Typical OD software requires that you specify your own tracking schedule or you'll have overlapping measurements.
201    // Nyx can build a tracking schedule for you based on the first station with access.
202    let trkconfg_yaml: PathBuf = [
203        env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"),
204        "examples",
205        "04_lro_od",
206        "tracking-cfg.yaml",
207    ]
208    .iter()
209    .collect();
211    let configs: BTreeMap<String, TrkConfig> = TrkConfig::load_named(trkconfg_yaml)?;
213    // Build the tracking arc simulation to generate a "standard measurement".
214    let mut trk = TrackingArcSim::<Spacecraft, GroundStation>::new(
215        devices.clone(),
216        traj_as_flown.clone(),
217        configs,
218    )?;
220    trk.build_schedule(almanac.clone())?;
221    let arc = trk.generate_measurements(almanac.clone())?;
222    // Save the simulated tracking data
223    arc.to_parquet_simple("./04_lro_simulated_tracking.parquet")?;
225    // We'll note that in our case, we have continuous coverage of LRO when the vehicle is not behind the Moon.
226    println!("{arc}");
228    // Now that we have simulated measurements, we'll run the orbit determination.
230    // ===================== //
231    // === OD ESTIMATION === //
232    // ===================== //
234    let sc = SpacecraftUncertainty::builder()
235        .nominal(sc_seed)
236        .frame(LocalFrame::RIC)
237        .x_km(0.5)
238        .y_km(0.5)
239        .z_km(0.5)
240        .vx_km_s(5e-3)
241        .vy_km_s(5e-3)
242        .vz_km_s(5e-3)
243        .build();
245    // Build the filter initial estimate, which we will reuse in the filter.
246    let initial_estimate = sc.to_estimate()?;
248    println!("== FILTER STATE ==\n{sc_seed:x}\n{initial_estimate}");
250    let kf = KF::new(
251        // Increase the initial covariance to account for larger deviation.
252        initial_estimate,
253        // Until, we need to specify the SNC in the acceleration of the Moon J2000 frame.
254        SNC3::from_diagonal(10 * Unit::Minute, &[1e-12, 1e-12, 1e-12]),
255    );
257    // We'll set up the OD process to reject measurements whose residuals are move than 3 sigmas away from what we expect.
258    let mut odp = SpacecraftODProcess::ckf(
259        setup.with(initial_estimate.state().with_stm(), almanac.clone()),
260        kf,
261        devices,
262        Some(ResidRejectCrit::default()),
263        almanac.clone(),
264    );
266    odp.process_arc(&arc)?;
268    let ric_err = traj_as_flown
269        .at(odp.estimates.last().unwrap().epoch())?
270        .orbit
271        .ric_difference(&odp.estimates.last().unwrap().orbital_state())?;
272    println!("== RIC at end ==");
273    println!("RIC Position (m): {}", ric_err.radius_km * 1e3);
274    println!("RIC Velocity (m/s): {}", ric_err.velocity_km_s * 1e3);
276    odp.to_parquet(&arc, "./04_lro_od_results.parquet", ExportCfg::default())?;
278    // In our case, we have the truth trajectory from NASA.
279    // So we can compute the RIC state difference between the real LRO ephem and what we've just estimated.
280    // Export the OD trajectory first.
281    let od_trajectory = odp.to_traj()?;
282    // Build the RIC difference.
283    od_trajectory.ric_diff_to_parquet(
284        &traj_as_flown,
285        "./04_lro_od_truth_error.parquet",
286        ExportCfg::default(),
287    )?;
289    Ok(())
examples/01_orbit_prop/ (line 95)
30fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
31    pel::init();
32    // Dynamics models require planetary constants and ephemerides to be defined.
33    // Let's start by grabbing those by using ANISE's latest MetaAlmanac.
34    // This will automatically download the DE440s planetary ephemeris,
35    // the daily-updated Earth Orientation Parameters, the high fidelity Moon orientation
36    // parameters (for the Moon Mean Earth and Moon Principal Axes frames), and the PCK11
37    // planetary constants kernels.
38    // For details, refer to
39    // Note that we place the Almanac into an Arc so we can clone it cheaply and provide read-only
40    // references to many functions.
41    let almanac = Arc::new(MetaAlmanac::latest().map_err(Box::new)?);
42    // Define the orbit epoch
43    let epoch = Epoch::from_gregorian_utc_hms(2024, 2, 29, 12, 13, 14);
45    // Define the orbit.
46    // First we need to fetch the Earth J2000 from information from the Almanac.
47    // This allows the frame to include the gravitational parameters and the shape of the Earth,
48    // defined as a tri-axial ellipoid. Note that this shape can be changed manually or in the Almanac
49    // by loading a different set of planetary constants.
50    let earth_j2000 = almanac.frame_from_uid(EARTH_J2000)?;
52    let orbit =
53        Orbit::try_keplerian_altitude(300.0, 0.015, 68.5, 65.2, 75.0, 0.0, epoch, earth_j2000)?;
54    // Print in in Keplerian form.
55    println!("{orbit:x}");
57    // There are two ways to propagate an orbit. We can make a quick approximation assuming only two-body
58    // motion. This is a useful first order approximation but it isn't used in real-world applications.
60    // This approach is a feature of ANISE.
61    let future_orbit_tb = orbit.at_epoch(epoch + Unit::Day * 3)?;
62    println!("{future_orbit_tb:x}");
64    // Two body propagation relies solely on Kepler's laws, so only the true anomaly will change.
65    println!(
66        "SMA changed by {:.3e} km",
67        orbit.sma_km()? - future_orbit_tb.sma_km()?
68    );
69    println!(
70        "ECC changed by {:.3e}",
71        orbit.ecc()? - future_orbit_tb.ecc()?
72    );
73    println!(
74        "INC changed by {:.3e} deg",
75        orbit.inc_deg()? - future_orbit_tb.inc_deg()?
76    );
77    println!(
78        "RAAN changed by {:.3e} deg",
79        orbit.raan_deg()? - future_orbit_tb.raan_deg()?
80    );
81    println!(
82        "AOP changed by {:.3e} deg",
83        orbit.aop_deg()? - future_orbit_tb.aop_deg()?
84    );
85    println!(
86        "TA changed by {:.3} deg",
87        orbit.ta_deg()? - future_orbit_tb.ta_deg()?
88    );
90    // Nyx is used for high fidelity propagation, not Keplerian propagation as above.
91    // Nyx only propagates Spacecraft at the moment, which allows it to account for acceleration
92    // models such as solar radiation pressure.
94    // Let's build a cubesat sized spacecraft, with an SRP area of 10 cm^2 and a mass of 9.6 kg.
95    let sc = Spacecraft::builder()
96        .orbit(orbit)
97        .mass(Mass::from_dry_mass(9.60))
98        .srp(SRPData {
99            area_m2: 10e-4,
100            coeff_reflectivity: 1.1,
101        })
102        .build();
103    println!("{sc:x}");
105    // Set up the spacecraft dynamics.
107    // Specify that the orbital dynamics must account for the graviational pull of the Moon and the Sun.
108    // The gravity of the Earth will also be accounted for since the spaceraft in an Earth orbit.
109    let mut orbital_dyn = OrbitalDynamics::point_masses(vec![MOON, SUN]);
111    // We want to include the spherical harmonics, so let's download the gravitational data from the Nyx Cloud.
112    // We're using the JGM3 model here, which is the default in GMAT.
113    let mut jgm3_meta = MetaFile {
114        uri: "".to_string(),
115        crc32: Some(0xF446F027), // Specifying the CRC32 avoids redownloading it if it's cached.
116    };
117    // And let's download it if we don't have it yet.
118    jgm3_meta.process(true)?;
120    // Build the spherical harmonics.
121    // The harmonics must be computed in the body fixed frame.
122    // We're using the long term prediction of the Earth centered Earth fixed frame, IAU Earth.
123    let harmonics_21x21 = Harmonics::from_stor(
124        almanac.frame_from_uid(IAU_EARTH_FRAME)?,
125        HarmonicsMem::from_cof(&jgm3_meta.uri, 21, 21, true).unwrap(),
126    );
128    // Include the spherical harmonics into the orbital dynamics.
129    orbital_dyn.accel_models.push(harmonics_21x21);
131    // We define the solar radiation pressure, using the default solar flux and accounting only
132    // for the eclipsing caused by the Earth.
133    let srp_dyn = SolarPressure::default(EARTH_J2000, almanac.clone())?;
135    // Finalize setting up the dynamics, specifying the force models (orbital_dyn) separately from the
136    // acceleration models (SRP in this case). Use `from_models` to specify multiple accel models.
137    let dynamics = SpacecraftDynamics::from_model(orbital_dyn, srp_dyn);
139    println!("{dynamics}");
141    // Finally, let's propagate this orbit to the same epoch as above.
142    // The first returned value is the spacecraft state at the final epoch.
143    // The second value is the full trajectory where the step size is variable step used by the propagator.
144    let (future_sc, trajectory) = Propagator::default(dynamics)
145        .with(sc, almanac.clone())
146        .until_epoch_with_traj(future_orbit_tb.epoch)?;
148    println!("=== High fidelity propagation ===");
149    println!(
150        "SMA changed by {:.3} km",
151        orbit.sma_km()? - future_sc.orbit.sma_km()?
152    );
153    println!(
154        "ECC changed by {:.6}",
155        orbit.ecc()? - future_sc.orbit.ecc()?
156    );
157    println!(
158        "INC changed by {:.3e} deg",
159        orbit.inc_deg()? - future_sc.orbit.inc_deg()?
160    );
161    println!(
162        "RAAN changed by {:.3} deg",
163        orbit.raan_deg()? - future_sc.orbit.raan_deg()?
164    );
165    println!(
166        "AOP changed by {:.3} deg",
167        orbit.aop_deg()? - future_sc.orbit.aop_deg()?
168    );
169    println!(
170        "TA changed by {:.3} deg",
171        orbit.ta_deg()? - future_sc.orbit.ta_deg()?
172    );
174    // We also have access to the full trajectory throughout the propagation.
175    println!("{trajectory}");
177    // With the trajectory, let's build a few data products.
179    // 1. Export the trajectory as a CCSDS OEM version 2.0 file and as a parquet file, which includes the Keplerian orbital elements.
181    trajectory.to_oem_file(
182        "./01_cubesat_hf_prop.oem",
183        ExportCfg::builder().step(Unit::Minute * 2).build(),
184    )?;
186    trajectory.to_parquet_with_cfg(
187        "./01_cubesat_hf_prop.parquet",
188        ExportCfg::builder().step(Unit::Minute * 2).build(),
189        almanac.clone(),
190    )?;
192    // 2. Compare the difference in the radial-intrack-crosstrack frame between the high fidelity
193    // and Keplerian propagation. The RIC frame is commonly used to compute the difference in position
194    // and velocity of different spacecraft.
195    // 3. Compute the azimuth, elevation, range, and range-rate data of that spacecraft as seen from Boulder, CO, USA.
197    let boulder_station = GroundStation::from_point(
198        "Boulder, CO, USA".to_string(),
199        40.014984,   // latitude in degrees
200        -105.270546, // longitude in degrees
201        1.6550,      // altitude in kilometers
202        almanac.frame_from_uid(IAU_EARTH_FRAME)?,
203    );
205    // We iterate over the trajectory, grabbing a state every two minutes.
206    let mut offset_s = vec![];
207    let mut epoch_str = vec![];
208    let mut ric_x_km = vec![];
209    let mut ric_y_km = vec![];
210    let mut ric_z_km = vec![];
211    let mut ric_vx_km_s = vec![];
212    let mut ric_vy_km_s = vec![];
213    let mut ric_vz_km_s = vec![];
215    let mut azimuth_deg = vec![];
216    let mut elevation_deg = vec![];
217    let mut range_km = vec![];
218    let mut range_rate_km_s = vec![];
219    for state in trajectory.every(Unit::Minute * 2) {
220        // Try to compute the Keplerian/two body state just in time.
221        // This method occasionally fails to converge on an appropriate true anomaly
222        // from the mean anomaly. If that happens, we just skip this state.
223        // The high fidelity and Keplerian states diverge continuously, and we're curious
224        // about the divergence in this quick analysis.
225        let this_epoch = state.epoch();
226        match orbit.at_epoch(this_epoch) {
227            Ok(tb_then) => {
228                offset_s.push((this_epoch - orbit.epoch).to_seconds());
229                epoch_str.push(format!("{this_epoch}"));
230                // Compute the two body state just in time.
231                let ric = state.orbit.ric_difference(&tb_then)?;
232                ric_x_km.push(ric.radius_km.x);
233                ric_y_km.push(ric.radius_km.y);
234                ric_z_km.push(ric.radius_km.z);
235                ric_vx_km_s.push(ric.velocity_km_s.x);
236                ric_vy_km_s.push(ric.velocity_km_s.y);
237                ric_vz_km_s.push(ric.velocity_km_s.z);
239                // Compute the AER data for each state.
240                let aer = almanac.azimuth_elevation_range_sez(
241                    state.orbit,
242                    boulder_station.to_orbit(this_epoch, &almanac)?,
243                    None,
244                    None,
245                )?;
246                azimuth_deg.push(aer.azimuth_deg);
247                elevation_deg.push(aer.elevation_deg);
248                range_km.push(aer.range_km);
249                range_rate_km_s.push(aer.range_rate_km_s);
250            }
251            Err(e) => warn!("{} {e}", state.epoch()),
252        };
253    }
255    // Build the data frames.
256    let ric_df = df!(
257        "Offset (s)" => offset_s.clone(),
258        "Epoch" => epoch_str.clone(),
259        "RIC X (km)" => ric_x_km,
260        "RIC Y (km)" => ric_y_km,
261        "RIC Z (km)" => ric_z_km,
262        "RIC VX (km/s)" => ric_vx_km_s,
263        "RIC VY (km/s)" => ric_vy_km_s,
264        "RIC VZ (km/s)" => ric_vz_km_s,
265    )?;
267    println!("RIC difference at start\n{}", ric_df.head(Some(10)));
268    println!("RIC difference at end\n{}", ric_df.tail(Some(10)));
270    let aer_df = df!(
271        "Offset (s)" => offset_s.clone(),
272        "Epoch" => epoch_str.clone(),
273        "azimuth (deg)" => azimuth_deg,
274        "elevation (deg)" => elevation_deg,
275        "range (km)" => range_km,
276        "range rate (km/s)" => range_rate_km_s,
277    )?;
279    // Finally, let's see when the spacecraft is visible, assuming 15 degrees minimum elevation.
280    let mask = aer_df
281        .column("elevation (deg)")?
282        .gt(&Column::Scalar(ScalarColumn::new(
283            "elevation mask (deg)".into(),
284            Scalar::new(DataType::Float64, AnyValue::Float64(15.0)),
285            offset_s.len(),
286        )))?;
287    let cubesat_visible = aer_df.filter(&mask)?;
289    println!("{cubesat_visible}");
291    Ok(())

impl Spacecraft


pub fn new( orbit: Orbit, dry_mass_kg: f64, prop_mass_kg: f64, srp_area_m2: f64, drag_area_m2: f64, coeff_reflectivity: f64, coeff_drag: f64, ) -> Self

Initialize a spacecraft state from all of its parameters


pub fn from_thruster( orbit: Orbit, dry_mass_kg: f64, prop_mass_kg: f64, thruster: Thruster, mode: GuidanceMode, ) -> Self

Initialize a spacecraft state from only a thruster and mass. Use this when designing guidance laws while ignoring drag and SRP.


pub fn from_srp_defaults( orbit: Orbit, dry_mass_kg: f64, srp_area_m2: f64, ) -> Self

Initialize a spacecraft state from the SRP default 1.8 for coefficient of reflectivity (prop mass and drag parameters nullified!)


pub fn from_drag_defaults( orbit: Orbit, dry_mass_kg: f64, drag_area_m2: f64, ) -> Self

Initialize a spacecraft state from the SRP default 1.8 for coefficient of drag (prop mass and SRP parameters nullified!)


pub fn with_dv_km_s(self, dv_km_s: Vector3<f64>) -> Self


pub fn with_dry_mass(self, dry_mass_kg: f64) -> Self

Returns a copy of the state with a new dry mass


pub fn with_prop_mass(self, prop_mass_kg: f64) -> Self

Returns a copy of the state with a new prop mass


pub fn with_srp(self, srp_area_m2: f64, coeff_reflectivity: f64) -> Self

Returns a copy of the state with a new SRP area and CR


pub fn with_srp_area(self, srp_area_m2: f64) -> Self

Returns a copy of the state with a new SRP area


pub fn with_cr(self, coeff_reflectivity: f64) -> Self

Returns a copy of the state with a new coefficient of reflectivity


pub fn with_drag(self, drag_area_m2: f64, coeff_drag: f64) -> Self

Returns a copy of the state with a new drag area and CD


pub fn with_drag_area(self, drag_area_m2: f64) -> Self

Returns a copy of the state with a new SRP area


pub fn with_cd(self, coeff_drag: f64) -> Self

Returns a copy of the state with a new coefficient of drag


pub fn with_orbit(self, orbit: Orbit) -> Self

Returns a copy of the state with a new orbit


pub fn rss(&self, other: &Self) -> PhysicsResult<(f64, f64, f64)>

Returns the root sum square error between this spacecraft and the other, in kilometers for the position, kilometers per second in velocity, and kilograms in prop


pub fn enable_stm(&mut self)

Sets the STM of this state of identity, which also enables computation of the STM for spacecraft navigation


pub fn with_stm(self) -> Self

Copies the current state but sets the STM to identity

Examples found in repository?
examples/02_jwst_covar_monte_carlo/ (line 118)
26fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
27    pel::init();
28    // Dynamics models require planetary constants and ephemerides to be defined.
29    // Let's start by grabbing those by using ANISE's latest MetaAlmanac.
30    // For details, refer to
32    // Download the regularly update of the James Webb Space Telescope reconstucted (or definitive) ephemeris.
33    // Refer to for details.
34    let mut latest_jwst_ephem = MetaFile {
35        uri: "".to_string(),
36        crc32: None,
37    };
38    latest_jwst_ephem.process(true)?;
40    // Load this ephem in the general Almanac we're using for this analysis.
41    let almanac = Arc::new(
42        MetaAlmanac::latest()
43            .map_err(Box::new)?
44            .load_from_metafile(latest_jwst_ephem, true)?,
45    );
47    // By loading this ephemeris file in the ANISE GUI or ANISE CLI, we can find the NAIF ID of the JWST
48    // in the BSP. We need this ID in order to query the ephemeris.
49    const JWST_NAIF_ID: i32 = -170;
50    // Let's build a frame in the J2000 orientation centered on the JWST.
51    const JWST_J2000: Frame = Frame::from_ephem_j2000(JWST_NAIF_ID);
53    // Since the ephemeris file is updated regularly, we'll just grab the latest state in the ephem.
54    let (earliest_epoch, latest_epoch) = almanac.spk_domain(JWST_NAIF_ID)?;
55    println!("JWST defined from {earliest_epoch} to {latest_epoch}");
56    // Fetch the state, printing it in the Earth J2000 frame.
57    let jwst_orbit = almanac.transform(JWST_J2000, EARTH_J2000, latest_epoch, None)?;
58    println!("{jwst_orbit:x}");
60    // Build the spacecraft
61    // SRP area assumed to be the full sunshield and mass if 6200.0 kg, c.f.
62    // SRP Coefficient of reflectivity assumed to be that of Kapton, i.e. 2 - 0.44 = 1.56, table 1 from
63    let jwst = Spacecraft::builder()
64        .orbit(jwst_orbit)
65        .srp(SRPData {
66            area_m2: 21.197 * 14.162,
67            coeff_reflectivity: 1.56,
68        })
69        .mass(Mass::from_dry_mass(6200.0))
70        .build();
72    // Build up the spacecraft uncertainty builder.
73    // We can use the spacecraft uncertainty structure to build this up.
74    // We start by specifying the nominal state (as defined above), then the uncertainty in position and velocity
75    // in the RIC frame. We could also specify the Cr, Cd, and mass uncertainties, but these aren't accounted for until
76    // Nyx can also estimate the deviation of the spacecraft parameters.
77    let jwst_uncertainty = SpacecraftUncertainty::builder()
78        .nominal(jwst)
79        .frame(LocalFrame::RIC)
80        .x_km(0.5)
81        .y_km(0.3)
82        .z_km(1.5)
83        .vx_km_s(1e-4)
84        .vy_km_s(0.6e-3)
85        .vz_km_s(3e-3)
86        .build();
88    println!("{jwst_uncertainty}");
90    // Build the Kalman filter estimate.
91    // Note that we could have used the KfEstimate structure directly (as seen throughout the OD integration tests)
92    // but this approach requires quite a bit more boilerplate code.
93    let jwst_estimate = jwst_uncertainty.to_estimate()?;
95    // Set up the spacecraft dynamics.
96    // We'll use the point masses of the Earth, Sun, Jupiter (barycenter, because it's in the DE440), and the Moon.
97    // We'll also enable solar radiation pressure since the James Webb has a huge and highly reflective sun shield.
99    let orbital_dyn = OrbitalDynamics::point_masses(vec![MOON, SUN, JUPITER_BARYCENTER]);
100    let srp_dyn = SolarPressure::new(vec![EARTH_J2000, MOON_J2000], almanac.clone())?;
102    // Finalize setting up the dynamics.
103    let dynamics = SpacecraftDynamics::from_model(orbital_dyn, srp_dyn);
105    // Build the propagator set up to use for the whole analysis.
106    let setup = Propagator::default(dynamics);
108    // All of the analysis will use this duration.
109    let prediction_duration = 6.5 * Unit::Day;
111    // === Covariance mapping ===
112    // For the covariance mapping / prediction, we'll use the common orbit determination approach.
113    // This is done by setting up a spacecraft OD process, and predicting for the analysis duration.
115    let ckf = KF::no_snc(jwst_estimate);
117    // Build the propagation instance for the OD process.
118    let prop = setup.with(jwst.with_stm(), almanac.clone());
119    let mut odp = SpacecraftODProcess::ckf(prop, ckf, BTreeMap::new(), None, almanac.clone());
121    // Define the prediction step, i.e. how often we want to know the covariance.
122    let step = 1_i64.minutes();
123    // Finally, predict, and export the trajectory with covariance to a parquet file.
124    odp.predict_for(step, prediction_duration)?;
125    odp.to_parquet(
126        &TrackingDataArc::default(),
127        "./02_jwst_covar_map.parquet",
128        ExportCfg::default(),
129    )?;
131    // === Monte Carlo framework ===
132    // Nyx comes with a complete multi-threaded Monte Carlo frame. It's blazing fast.
134    let my_mc = MonteCarlo::new(
135        jwst, // Nominal state
136        jwst_estimate.to_random_variable()?,
137        "02_jwst".to_string(), // Scenario name
138        None, // No specific seed specified, so one will be drawn from the computer's entropy.
139    );
141    let num_runs = 5_000;
142    let rslts = my_mc.run_until_epoch(
143        setup,
144        almanac.clone(),
145        jwst.epoch() + prediction_duration,
146        num_runs,
147    );
149    assert_eq!(rslts.runs.len(), num_runs);
150    // Finally, export these results, computing the eclipse percentage for all of these results.
152    // For all of the resulting trajectories, we'll want to compute the percentage of penumbra and umbra.
153    let eclipse_loc = EclipseLocator::cislunar(almanac.clone());
154    let umbra_event = eclipse_loc.to_umbra_event();
155    let penumbra_event = eclipse_loc.to_penumbra_event();
157    rslts.to_parquet(
158        "02_jwst_monte_carlo.parquet",
159        Some(vec![&umbra_event, &penumbra_event]),
160        ExportCfg::default(),
161        almanac,
162    )?;
164    Ok(())
More examples
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examples/04_lro_od/ (line 259)
33fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
34    pel::init();
36    // ====================== //
37    // === ALMANAC SET UP === //
38    // ====================== //
40    // Dynamics models require planetary constants and ephemerides to be defined.
41    // Let's start by grabbing those by using ANISE's MetaAlmanac.
43    let data_folder: PathBuf = [env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "examples", "04_lro_od"]
44        .iter()
45        .collect();
47    let meta = data_folder.join("lro-dynamics.dhall");
49    // Load this ephem in the general Almanac we're using for this analysis.
50    let mut almanac = MetaAlmanac::new(meta.to_string_lossy().to_string())
51        .map_err(Box::new)?
52        .process(true)
53        .map_err(Box::new)?;
55    let mut moon_pc = almanac.planetary_data.get_by_id(MOON)?;
56    moon_pc.mu_km3_s2 = 4902.74987;
57    almanac.planetary_data.set_by_id(MOON, moon_pc)?;
59    let mut earth_pc = almanac.planetary_data.get_by_id(EARTH)?;
60    earth_pc.mu_km3_s2 = 398600.436;
61    almanac.planetary_data.set_by_id(EARTH, earth_pc)?;
63    // Save this new kernel for reuse.
64    // In an operational context, this would be part of the "Lock" process, and should not change throughout the mission.
65    almanac
66        .planetary_data
67        .save_as(&data_folder.join("lro-specific.pca"), true)?;
69    // Lock the almanac (an Arc is a read only structure).
70    let almanac = Arc::new(almanac);
72    // Orbit determination requires a Trajectory structure, which can be saved as parquet file.
73    // In our case, the trajectory comes from the BSP file, so we need to build a Trajectory from the almanac directly.
74    // To query the Almanac, we need to build the LRO frame in the J2000 orientation in our case.
75    // Inspecting the LRO BSP in the ANISE GUI shows us that NASA has assigned ID -85 to LRO.
76    let lro_frame = Frame::from_ephem_j2000(-85);
78    // To build the trajectory we need to provide a spacecraft template.
79    let sc_template = Spacecraft::builder()
80        .mass(Mass::from_dry_and_prop_masses(1018.0, 900.0)) // Launch masses
81        .srp(SRPData {
82            // SRP configuration is arbitrary, but we will be estimating it anyway.
83            area_m2: 3.9 * 2.7,
84            coeff_reflectivity: 0.96,
85        })
86        .orbit(Orbit::zero(MOON_J2000)) // Setting a zero orbit here because it's just a template
87        .build();
88    // Now we can build the trajectory from the BSP file.
89    // We'll arbitrarily set the tracking arc to 24 hours with a five second time step.
90    let traj_as_flown = Traj::from_bsp(
91        lro_frame,
92        MOON_J2000,
93        almanac.clone(),
94        sc_template,
95        5.seconds(),
96        Some(Epoch::from_str("2024-01-01 00:00:00 UTC")?),
97        Some(Epoch::from_str("2024-01-02 00:00:00 UTC")?),
98        Aberration::LT,
99        Some("LRO".to_string()),
100    )?;
102    println!("{traj_as_flown}");
104    // ====================== //
105    // === MODEL MATCHING === //
106    // ====================== //
108    // Set up the spacecraft dynamics.
110    // Specify that the orbital dynamics must account for the graviational pull of the Earth and the Sun.
111    // The gravity of the Moon will also be accounted for since the spaceraft in a lunar orbit.
112    let mut orbital_dyn = OrbitalDynamics::point_masses(vec![EARTH, SUN, JUPITER_BARYCENTER]);
114    // We want to include the spherical harmonics, so let's download the gravitational data from the Nyx Cloud.
115    // We're using the GRAIL JGGRX model.
116    let mut jggrx_meta = MetaFile {
117        uri: "".to_string(),
118        crc32: Some(0x6bcacda8), // Specifying the CRC32 avoids redownloading it if it's cached.
119    };
120    // And let's download it if we don't have it yet.
121    jggrx_meta.process(true)?;
123    // Build the spherical harmonics.
124    // The harmonics must be computed in the body fixed frame.
125    // We're using the long term prediction of the Moon principal axes frame.
126    let moon_pa_frame = MOON_PA_FRAME.with_orient(31008);
127    let sph_harmonics = Harmonics::from_stor(
128        almanac.frame_from_uid(moon_pa_frame)?,
129        HarmonicsMem::from_shadr(&jggrx_meta.uri, 80, 80, true)?,
130    );
132    // Include the spherical harmonics into the orbital dynamics.
133    orbital_dyn.accel_models.push(sph_harmonics);
135    // We define the solar radiation pressure, using the default solar flux and accounting only
136    // for the eclipsing caused by the Earth and Moon.
137    // Note that by default, enabling the SolarPressure model will also enable the estimation of the coefficient of reflectivity.
138    let srp_dyn = SolarPressure::new(vec![EARTH_J2000, MOON_J2000], almanac.clone())?;
140    // Finalize setting up the dynamics, specifying the force models (orbital_dyn) separately from the
141    // acceleration models (SRP in this case). Use `from_models` to specify multiple accel models.
142    let dynamics = SpacecraftDynamics::from_model(orbital_dyn, srp_dyn);
144    println!("{dynamics}");
146    // Now we can build the propagator.
147    let setup = Propagator::default_dp78(dynamics.clone());
149    // For reference, let's build the trajectory with Nyx's models from that LRO state.
150    let (sim_final, traj_as_sim) = setup
151        .with(*traj_as_flown.first(), almanac.clone())
152        .until_epoch_with_traj(traj_as_flown.last().epoch())?;
154    println!("SIM INIT:  {:x}", traj_as_flown.first());
155    println!("SIM FINAL: {sim_final:x}");
156    // Compute RIC difference between SIM and LRO ephem
157    let sim_lro_delta = sim_final
158        .orbit
159        .ric_difference(&traj_as_flown.last().orbit)?;
160    println!("{traj_as_sim}");
161    println!(
162        "SIM v LRO - RIC Position (m): {:.3}",
163        sim_lro_delta.radius_km * 1e3
164    );
165    println!(
166        "SIM v LRO - RIC Velocity (m/s): {:.3}",
167        sim_lro_delta.velocity_km_s * 1e3
168    );
170    traj_as_sim.ric_diff_to_parquet(
171        &traj_as_flown,
172        "./04_lro_sim_truth_error.parquet",
173        ExportCfg::default(),
174    )?;
176    // ==================== //
177    // === OD SIMULATOR === //
178    // ==================== //
180    // After quite some time trying to exactly match the model, we still end up with an oscillatory difference on the order of 150 meters between the propagated state
181    // and the truth LRO state.
183    // Therefore, we will actually run an estimation from a dispersed LRO state.
184    // The sc_seed is the true LRO state from the BSP.
185    let sc_seed = *traj_as_flown.first();
187    // Load the Deep Space Network ground stations.
188    // Nyx allows you to build these at runtime but it's pretty static so we can just load them from YAML.
189    let ground_station_file: PathBuf = [
190        env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"),
191        "examples",
192        "04_lro_od",
193        "dsn-network.yaml",
194    ]
195    .iter()
196    .collect();
198    let devices = GroundStation::load_named(ground_station_file)?;
200    // Typical OD software requires that you specify your own tracking schedule or you'll have overlapping measurements.
201    // Nyx can build a tracking schedule for you based on the first station with access.
202    let trkconfg_yaml: PathBuf = [
203        env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"),
204        "examples",
205        "04_lro_od",
206        "tracking-cfg.yaml",
207    ]
208    .iter()
209    .collect();
211    let configs: BTreeMap<String, TrkConfig> = TrkConfig::load_named(trkconfg_yaml)?;
213    // Build the tracking arc simulation to generate a "standard measurement".
214    let mut trk = TrackingArcSim::<Spacecraft, GroundStation>::new(
215        devices.clone(),
216        traj_as_flown.clone(),
217        configs,
218    )?;
220    trk.build_schedule(almanac.clone())?;
221    let arc = trk.generate_measurements(almanac.clone())?;
222    // Save the simulated tracking data
223    arc.to_parquet_simple("./04_lro_simulated_tracking.parquet")?;
225    // We'll note that in our case, we have continuous coverage of LRO when the vehicle is not behind the Moon.
226    println!("{arc}");
228    // Now that we have simulated measurements, we'll run the orbit determination.
230    // ===================== //
231    // === OD ESTIMATION === //
232    // ===================== //
234    let sc = SpacecraftUncertainty::builder()
235        .nominal(sc_seed)
236        .frame(LocalFrame::RIC)
237        .x_km(0.5)
238        .y_km(0.5)
239        .z_km(0.5)
240        .vx_km_s(5e-3)
241        .vy_km_s(5e-3)
242        .vz_km_s(5e-3)
243        .build();
245    // Build the filter initial estimate, which we will reuse in the filter.
246    let initial_estimate = sc.to_estimate()?;
248    println!("== FILTER STATE ==\n{sc_seed:x}\n{initial_estimate}");
250    let kf = KF::new(
251        // Increase the initial covariance to account for larger deviation.
252        initial_estimate,
253        // Until, we need to specify the SNC in the acceleration of the Moon J2000 frame.
254        SNC3::from_diagonal(10 * Unit::Minute, &[1e-12, 1e-12, 1e-12]),
255    );
257    // We'll set up the OD process to reject measurements whose residuals are move than 3 sigmas away from what we expect.
258    let mut odp = SpacecraftODProcess::ckf(
259        setup.with(initial_estimate.state().with_stm(), almanac.clone()),
260        kf,
261        devices,
262        Some(ResidRejectCrit::default()),
263        almanac.clone(),
264    );
266    odp.process_arc(&arc)?;
268    let ric_err = traj_as_flown
269        .at(odp.estimates.last().unwrap().epoch())?
270        .orbit
271        .ric_difference(&odp.estimates.last().unwrap().orbital_state())?;
272    println!("== RIC at end ==");
273    println!("RIC Position (m): {}", ric_err.radius_km * 1e3);
274    println!("RIC Velocity (m/s): {}", ric_err.velocity_km_s * 1e3);
276    odp.to_parquet(&arc, "./04_lro_od_results.parquet", ExportCfg::default())?;
278    // In our case, we have the truth trajectory from NASA.
279    // So we can compute the RIC state difference between the real LRO ephem and what we've just estimated.
280    // Export the OD trajectory first.
281    let od_trajectory = odp.to_traj()?;
282    // Build the RIC difference.
283    od_trajectory.ric_diff_to_parquet(
284        &traj_as_flown,
285        "./04_lro_od_truth_error.parquet",
286        ExportCfg::default(),
287    )?;
289    Ok(())

pub fn mass_kg(&self) -> f64

Returns the total mass in kilograms


pub fn with_guidance_mode(self, mode: GuidanceMode) -> Self

Returns a copy of the state with the provided guidance mode


pub fn mode(&self) -> GuidanceMode


pub fn mut_mode(&mut self, mode: GuidanceMode)

Trait Implementations§


impl Add<Matrix<f64, Const<6>, Const<1>, <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<Const<6>>>::Buffer<f64>>> for Spacecraft


fn add(self, other: OVector<f64, Const<6>>) -> Self

Adds the provided state deviation to this orbit


type Output = Spacecraft

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Add<Matrix<f64, Const<9>, Const<1>, <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<Const<9>>>::Buffer<f64>>> for Spacecraft


fn add(self, other: OVector<f64, Const<9>>) -> Self

Adds the provided state deviation to this orbit


type Output = Spacecraft

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl Clone for Spacecraft


fn clone(&self) -> Spacecraft

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl ConfigRepr for Spacecraft


fn load<P>(path: P) -> Result<Self, ConfigError>
where P: AsRef<Path>,

Builds the configuration representation from the path to a yaml

fn load_many<P>(path: P) -> Result<Vec<Self>, ConfigError>
where P: AsRef<Path>,

Builds a sequence of “Selves” from the provided path to a yaml

fn load_named<P>(path: P) -> Result<BTreeMap<String, Self>, ConfigError>
where P: AsRef<Path>,

Builds a map of names to “selves” from the provided path to a yaml

fn loads_many(data: &str) -> Result<Vec<Self>, ConfigError>

Builds a sequence of “Selves” from the provided string of a yaml

fn loads_named(data: &str) -> Result<BTreeMap<String, Self>, ConfigError>

Builds a sequence of “Selves” from the provided string of a yaml

impl Debug for Spacecraft


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for Spacecraft


fn default() -> Self

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Spacecraft


fn deserialize<__D>(__deserializer: __D) -> Result<Self, __D::Error>
where __D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl Display for Spacecraft


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl EventEvaluator<Spacecraft> for Event


fn eval( &self, state: &Spacecraft, almanac: Arc<Almanac>, ) -> Result<f64, EventError>

Evaluation of the event, must return a value corresponding to whether the state is before or after the event

fn epoch_precision(&self) -> Duration


fn value_precision(&self) -> f64


fn eval_string( &self, state: &Spacecraft, _almanac: Arc<Almanac>, ) -> Result<String, EventError>

Returns a string representation of the event evaluation for the given state

fn eval_crossing( &self, prev_state: &S, next_state: &S, almanac: Arc<Almanac>, ) -> Result<bool, EventError>


impl EventEvaluator<Spacecraft> for PenumbraEvent


fn epoch_precision(&self) -> Duration

Stop searching when the time has converged to less than 0.1 seconds


fn value_precision(&self) -> f64

Finds the slightest penumbra within 2% (i.e. 98% in visibility)


fn eval( &self, sc: &Spacecraft, almanac: Arc<Almanac>, ) -> Result<f64, EventError>

Evaluation of the event, must return a value corresponding to whether the state is before or after the event

fn eval_string( &self, state: &Spacecraft, almanac: Arc<Almanac>, ) -> Result<String, EventError>

Returns a string representation of the event evaluation for the given state

fn eval_crossing( &self, prev_state: &S, next_state: &S, almanac: Arc<Almanac>, ) -> Result<bool, EventError>


impl EventEvaluator<Spacecraft> for UmbraEvent


fn epoch_precision(&self) -> Duration

Stop searching when the time has converged to less than 0.1 seconds


fn value_precision(&self) -> f64

Finds the darkest part of an eclipse within 2% of penumbra (i.e. 98% in shadow)


fn eval( &self, sc: &Spacecraft, almanac: Arc<Almanac>, ) -> Result<f64, EventError>

Evaluation of the event, must return a value corresponding to whether the state is before or after the event

fn eval_string( &self, state: &Spacecraft, almanac: Arc<Almanac>, ) -> Result<String, EventError>

Returns a string representation of the event evaluation for the given state

fn eval_crossing( &self, prev_state: &S, next_state: &S, almanac: Arc<Almanac>, ) -> Result<bool, EventError>


impl From<CartesianState> for Spacecraft


fn from(orbit: Orbit) -> Self

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl Interpolatable for Spacecraft


fn interpolate( self, epoch: Epoch, states: &[Self], ) -> Result<Self, InterpolationError>

Interpolates a new state at the provided epochs given a slice of states.

fn frame(&self) -> Frame

Returns the frame of this state

fn set_frame(&mut self, frame: Frame)

Sets the frame of this state

fn export_params() -> Vec<StateParameter>

List of state parameters that will be exported to a trajectory file in addition to the epoch (provided in this different formats).

impl LowerExp for Spacecraft


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl LowerHex for Spacecraft


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl NavSolution<Spacecraft> for KfEstimate<Spacecraft>


fn orbital_state(&self) -> Orbit


fn expected_state(&self) -> Orbit

Returns the nominal state as computed by the dynamics

impl PartialEq for Spacecraft


fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · Source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Serialize for Spacecraft


fn serialize<__S>(&self, __serializer: __S) -> Result<__S::Ok, __S::Error>
where __S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl State for Spacecraft


fn to_vector(&self) -> OVector<f64, Const<90>>

The vector is organized as such: [X, Y, Z, Vx, Vy, Vz, Cr, Cd, Fuel mass, STM(9x9)]


fn set(&mut self, epoch: Epoch, vector: &OVector<f64, Const<90>>)

Vector is expected to be organized as such: [X, Y, Z, Vx, Vy, Vz, Cr, Cd, Fuel mass, STM(9x9)]


fn stm(&self) -> Result<OMatrix<f64, Self::Size, Self::Size>, DynamicsError>

diag(STM) = [X,Y,Z,Vx,Vy,Vz,Cr,Cd,Fuel] WARNING: Currently the STM assumes that the prop mass is constant at ALL TIMES!


type Size = Const<9>

Size of the state and its STM

type VecLength = Const<90>


fn reset_stm(&mut self)

Return this state as a vector for the propagation/estimation By default, this is not implemented. This function must be implemented when filtering on this state.

fn zeros() -> Self

Initialize an empty state By default, this is not implemented. This function must be implemented when filtering on this state.

fn epoch(&self) -> Epoch

Retrieve the Epoch

fn set_epoch(&mut self, epoch: Epoch)

Set the Epoch

fn add(self, other: OVector<f64, Self::Size>) -> Self

By default, this is not implemented. This function must be implemented when filtering on this state.

fn value(&self, param: StateParameter) -> Result<f64, StateError>

Return the value of the parameter, returns an error by default

fn set_value( &mut self, param: StateParameter, val: f64, ) -> Result<(), StateError>

Allows setting the value of the given parameter. NOTE: Most parameters where the value is available CANNOT be also set for that parameter (it’s a much harder problem!)

fn unset_stm(&mut self)

Unsets the STM for this state

fn orbit(&self) -> Orbit

Returns a copy of the orbit

fn set_orbit(&mut self, orbit: Orbit)

Modifies this state’s orbit

fn set_with_delta_seconds( self, delta_t_s: f64, vector: &OVector<f64, Self::VecLength>, ) -> Self

Reconstruct a new State from the provided delta time in seconds compared to the current state and with the provided vector.

impl TrackerSensitivity<Spacecraft, Spacecraft> for GroundStation


fn h_tilde<M: DimName>( &self, msr: &Measurement, msr_types: &IndexSet<MeasurementType>, rx: &Spacecraft, almanac: Arc<Almanac>, ) -> Result<OMatrix<f64, M, <Spacecraft as State>::Size>, ODError>

Returns the sensitivity matrix of size MxS where M is the number of simultaneous measurements and S is the size of the state being solved for.

impl TrackingDevice<Spacecraft> for GroundStation


fn measure( &mut self, epoch: Epoch, traj: &Traj<Spacecraft>, rng: Option<&mut Pcg64Mcg>, almanac: Arc<Almanac>, ) -> Result<Option<Measurement>, ODError>

Perform a measurement from the ground station to the receiver (rx).


fn measurement_covar( &self, msr_type: MeasurementType, epoch: Epoch, ) -> Result<f64, ODError>

Returns the measurement noise of this ground station.


Noises are modeled using a [StochasticNoise] process, defined by the sigma on the turn-on bias and on the steady state noise. The measurement noise is computed assuming that all measurements are independent variables, i.e. the measurement matrix is a diagonal matrix. The first item in the diagonal is the range noise (in km), set to the square of the steady state sigma. The second item is the Doppler noise (in km/s), set to the square of the steady state sigma of that Gauss Markov process.


fn measurement_types(&self) -> &IndexSet<MeasurementType>

Returns the enabled measurement types for thie device.

fn name(&self) -> String

Returns the name of this tracking data simulator

fn location( &self, epoch: Epoch, frame: Frame, almanac: Arc<Almanac>, ) -> AlmanacResult<Orbit>

Returns the device location at the given epoch and in the given frame.

fn measure_instantaneous( &mut self, rx: Spacecraft, rng: Option<&mut Pcg64Mcg>, almanac: Arc<Almanac>, ) -> Result<Option<Measurement>, ODError>


fn measurement_bias( &self, msr_type: MeasurementType, _epoch: Epoch, ) -> Result<f64, ODError>


fn measurement_covar_matrix<M: DimName>( &self, msr_types: &IndexSet<MeasurementType>, epoch: Epoch, ) -> Result<OMatrix<f64, M, M>, ODError>


fn measurement_bias_vector<M: DimName>( &self, msr_types: &IndexSet<MeasurementType>, epoch: Epoch, ) -> Result<OVector<f64, M>, ODError>


impl UpperHex for Spacecraft


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Copy for Spacecraft

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut u8)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> FromDhall for T


fn from_dhall(v: &Value) -> Result<T, Error>


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided [Span], returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<T> Pointable for T


const ALIGN: usize

The alignment of pointer.

type Init = T

The type for initializers.

unsafe fn init(init: <T as Pointable>::Init) -> usize

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

unsafe fn deref<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a T

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn deref_mut<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a mut T

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn drop(ptr: usize)

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<SS, SP> SupersetOf<SS> for SP
where SS: SubsetOf<SP>,


fn to_subset(&self) -> Option<SS>

The inverse inclusion map: attempts to construct self from the equivalent element of its superset. Read more

fn is_in_subset(&self) -> bool

Checks if self is actually part of its subset T (and can be converted to it).

fn to_subset_unchecked(&self) -> SS

Use with care! Same as self.to_subset but without any property checks. Always succeeds.

fn from_subset(element: &SS) -> SP

The inclusion map: converts self to the equivalent element of its superset.

impl<T> ToDhall for T
where T: Serialize,


fn to_dhall(&self, ty: Option<&SimpleType>) -> Result<Value, Error>


impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T> ToString for T
where T: Display + ?Sized,


fn to_string(&self) -> String

Converts the given value to a String. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a [WithDispatch] wrapper. Read more

impl<T> Allocation for T
where T: RefUnwindSafe + Send + Sync,


impl<T> DeserializeOwned for T
where T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>,


impl<T> ErasedDestructor for T
where T: 'static,


impl<T> MaybeSendSync for T


impl<T> Scalar for T
where T: 'static + Clone + PartialEq + Debug,