
Module process

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Provides the interfaces to the orbit determination process


  • pub use crate::od::estimate::*;
  • pub use crate::od::snc::*;
  • pub use crate::od::*;



  • Defines generally usable durations for nanosecond precision valid for 32,768 centuries in either direction, and only on 80 bits / 10 octets.
  • An EkfTrigger on the number of measurements processed and a time between measurements.
  • GroundStation defines a two-way ranging and doppler station.
  • Defines a filter iteration configuration. Allows iterating on an OD solution until convergence criteria is met. The root mean squared of the prefit residuals ratios is used to assess convergence between iterations.
  • Sets up an orbit determination process (ODP).
  • Reject measurements if the prefit is greater than the provided sigmas deviation from the measurement noise.


  • Defines the stopping condition for the smoother
  • An Enum to perform time unit conversions.