pub trait GuidanceLaw:
+ Send
+ Sync {
// Required methods
fn direction(
osc_state: &Spacecraft,
) -> Result<Vector3<f64>, GuidanceError>;
fn throttle(&self, osc_state: &Spacecraft) -> Result<f64, GuidanceError>;
fn next(&self, next_state: &mut Spacecraft, almanac: Arc<Almanac>);
// Provided method
fn achieved(&self, _osc_state: &Spacecraft) -> Result<bool, GuidanceError> { ... }
Expand description
The GuidanceLaw
trait handles guidance laws, optimizations, and other such methods for
controlling the overall thrust direction when tied to a BaseSpacecraft
. For delta V control,
tie the DeltaVctrl to a MissionArc.
Required Methods§
Sourcefn direction(
osc_state: &Spacecraft,
) -> Result<Vector3<f64>, GuidanceError>
fn direction( &self, osc_state: &Spacecraft, ) -> Result<Vector3<f64>, GuidanceError>
Returns a unit vector corresponding to the thrust direction in the inertial frame.
Sourcefn throttle(&self, osc_state: &Spacecraft) -> Result<f64, GuidanceError>
fn throttle(&self, osc_state: &Spacecraft) -> Result<f64, GuidanceError>
Returns a number between [0;1] corresponding to the engine throttle level. For example, 0 means coasting, i.e. no thrusting, and 1 means maximum thrusting.
Sourcefn next(&self, next_state: &mut Spacecraft, almanac: Arc<Almanac>)
fn next(&self, next_state: &mut Spacecraft, almanac: Arc<Almanac>)
Updates the state of the BaseSpacecraft for the next maneuver, e.g. prepares the controller for the next maneuver
Provided Methods§
Sourcefn achieved(&self, _osc_state: &Spacecraft) -> Result<bool, GuidanceError>
fn achieved(&self, _osc_state: &Spacecraft) -> Result<bool, GuidanceError>
Returns whether this thrust control has been achieved, if it has an objective
Examples found in repository?
examples/03_geo_analysis/ (line 146)
27fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
28 pel::init();
30 // Dynamics models require planetary constants and ephemerides to be defined.
31 // Let's start by grabbing those by using ANISE's latest MetaAlmanac.
32 // This will automatically download the DE440s planetary ephemeris,
33 // the daily-updated Earth Orientation Parameters, the high fidelity Moon orientation
34 // parameters (for the Moon Mean Earth and Moon Principal Axes frames), and the PCK11
35 // planetary constants kernels.
36 // For details, refer to
37 // Note that we place the Almanac into an Arc so we can clone it cheaply and provide read-only
38 // references to many functions.
39 let almanac = Arc::new(MetaAlmanac::latest().map_err(Box::new)?);
40 // Fetch the EME2000 frame from the Almabac
41 let eme2k = almanac.frame_from_uid(EARTH_J2000).unwrap();
42 // Define the orbit epoch
43 let epoch = Epoch::from_gregorian_utc_hms(2024, 2, 29, 12, 13, 14);
45 // Build the spacecraft itself.
46 // Using slide 6 of
47 // for the "next gen" SEP characteristics.
49 // GTO start
50 let orbit = Orbit::keplerian(24505.9, 0.725, 7.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, epoch, eme2k);
52 let sc = Spacecraft::builder()
53 .orbit(orbit)
54 .mass(Mass::from_dry_and_prop_masses(1000.0, 1000.0)) // 1000 kg of dry mass and prop, totalling 2.0 tons
55 .srp(SRPData::from_area(3.0 * 6.0)) // Assuming 1 kW/m^2 or 18 kW, giving a margin of 4.35 kW for on-propulsion consumption
56 .thruster(Thruster {
57 // "NEXT-STEP" row in Table 2
58 isp_s: 4435.0,
59 thrust_N: 0.472,
60 })
61 .mode(GuidanceMode::Thrust) // Start thrusting immediately.
62 .build();
64 let prop_time = 180.0 * Unit::Day;
66 // Define the guidance law -- we're just using a Ruggiero controller as demonstrated in AAS-2004-5089.
67 let objectives = &[
68 Objective::within_tolerance(StateParameter::SMA, 42_165.0, 20.0),
69 Objective::within_tolerance(StateParameter::Eccentricity, 0.001, 5e-5),
70 Objective::within_tolerance(StateParameter::Inclination, 0.05, 1e-2),
71 ];
73 // Ensure that we only thrust if we have more than 20% illumination.
74 let ruggiero_ctrl = Ruggiero::from_max_eclipse(objectives, sc, 0.2).unwrap();
75 println!("{ruggiero_ctrl}");
77 // Define the high fidelity dynamics
79 // Set up the spacecraft dynamics.
81 // Specify that the orbital dynamics must account for the graviational pull of the Moon and the Sun.
82 // The gravity of the Earth will also be accounted for since the spaceraft in an Earth orbit.
83 let mut orbital_dyn = OrbitalDynamics::point_masses(vec![MOON, SUN]);
85 // We want to include the spherical harmonics, so let's download the gravitational data from the Nyx Cloud.
86 // We're using the JGM3 model here, which is the default in GMAT.
87 let mut jgm3_meta = MetaFile {
88 uri: "".to_string(),
89 crc32: Some(0xF446F027), // Specifying the CRC32 avoids redownloading it if it's cached.
90 };
91 // And let's download it if we don't have it yet.
92 jgm3_meta.process(true)?;
94 // Build the spherical harmonics.
95 // The harmonics must be computed in the body fixed frame.
96 // We're using the long term prediction of the Earth centered Earth fixed frame, IAU Earth.
97 let harmonics = Harmonics::from_stor(
98 almanac.frame_from_uid(IAU_EARTH_FRAME)?,
99 HarmonicsMem::from_cof(&jgm3_meta.uri, 8, 8, true).unwrap(),
100 );
102 // Include the spherical harmonics into the orbital dynamics.
103 orbital_dyn.accel_models.push(harmonics);
105 // We define the solar radiation pressure, using the default solar flux and accounting only
106 // for the eclipsing caused by the Earth.
107 let srp_dyn = SolarPressure::default(EARTH_J2000, almanac.clone())?;
109 // Finalize setting up the dynamics, specifying the force models (orbital_dyn) separately from the
110 // acceleration models (SRP in this case). Use `from_models` to specify multiple accel models.
111 let sc_dynamics = SpacecraftDynamics::from_model(orbital_dyn, srp_dyn)
112 .with_guidance_law(ruggiero_ctrl.clone());
114 println!("{:x}", orbit);
116 // We specify a minimum step in the propagator because the Ruggiero control would otherwise drive this step very low.
117 let (final_state, traj) = Propagator::rk89(
118 sc_dynamics.clone(),
119 IntegratorOptions::builder()
120 .min_step(10.0_f64.seconds())
121 .error_ctrl(ErrorControl::RSSCartesianStep)
122 .build(),
123 )
124 .with(sc, almanac.clone())
125 .for_duration_with_traj(prop_time)?;
127 let prop_usage = sc.mass.prop_mass_kg - final_state.mass.prop_mass_kg;
128 println!("{:x}", final_state.orbit);
129 println!("prop usage: {:.3} kg", prop_usage);
131 // Finally, export the results for analysis, including the penumbra percentage throughout the orbit raise.
132 traj.to_parquet(
133 "./03_geo_raise.parquet",
134 Some(vec![
135 &EclipseLocator::cislunar(almanac.clone()).to_penumbra_event()
136 ]),
137 ExportCfg::default(),
138 almanac,
139 )?;
141 for status_line in ruggiero_ctrl.status(&final_state) {
142 println!("{status_line}");
143 }
145 ruggiero_ctrl
146 .achieved(&final_state)
147 .expect("objective not achieved");
149 Ok(())